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VKC Item Plane


VKC Item Plane lets you instantiate image files.
The file format needs to be in png format.

For details, please refer to the specification limit.

Label Initial Value function
Show true Enable if you want the image to appear from the beginning.
Texture in JP / EN Blank Specify the image texture. Texture in EN is the image shown when your browser's language setting is set to English. Leave it blank if unncessary.
Scene Preview false Creates a preview object in Scene.
Look at Camera false Make the image face towards the camera at all times.
Alpha Blending false Lets you use cutout/transparency.
Z-bias 0 Higher z value will make the image show in front of other objects.
Double Side false Enable/Disable display on double sides
Available methods for this object type

Advanced Settings

Label Function
Clickable Toggles acceptance of click input from player
Auto Loading When enabled, this Item will be loaded automatically on world entrance.
As this Item must be explicitly loaded when Auto Loading is disabled, use Dynamic Loading or use Load() on HeliScript.
Item Render Priority Designates the Item's render priority.
For details, refer to RenderingSettings / Priority List
Show Photo Mode Toggles display/hide when in photo mode
Overrides On Entering the world, the Material and Texture set in the Overrides will be used instead of textures set in VKC Item Plane.


The Overrides property is currently under progress.
Further usage are to be added by future updates.


The Billboard setting in pre-Ver9.3 components has been renamed to Look at Camera.
If the scene data is migrated from past SDK versions, the Billboard setting value will be reflected to Look at Camera.