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SDK Manual Change Log - Ver 13.7

October 4 2024 Update

October 4 2024 - Edited Pages

September 27 2024 Update

September 27 2024 - Edited Pages

September 20 2024 Update

September 20 2024 - Edited Pages

September 18 2024 Update

September 18 2024 - Added Pages

September 13 2024 Update

September 13 2024 - Added Pages

September 13 2024 - Edited Pages

  • World Making Guide
  • Specification Limits of Vket Cloud
    • Added reference to Shader Availability
    • Added a caution about the use of the ".png" extension for texture files
  • About VketCloudSDK
  • Operating Environment - Added notes about HeliScript IDE
  • HeliScript
  • Overview of HeliScript - Added notes about HeliScript IDE
  • Built-in Classes And Functions
    • Item class
      • Change to expand the list of callable object types for each method by default
  • VKC Components
    • VKC Item
    • VKC Node
      • VKC Node Alpha Animation
        • Changed the notation from VKCNodeAlphaAnimation to VKC Node Alpha Animation
      • VKC Node Blend Shape Translator
        • Added a page on how to add HEOExporter/HEOInfo components to a character that outputs HEM files, change the Size of BlendShapeTransNameTable, and set the name before and after conversion in SrcName/DestName.

September 12 2024 Update

September 12 2024 - Added Pages

  • Release Note
  • v13.8
    • New page for v13.8 release note

September 11 2024 Update

September 11 2024 - Edited Pages

  • Introduction to VketCloudSDK
  • How to install the SDK - The Install Wizard has been updated with the following features, so the explanatory text and images have been updated to 13.7 - When using Unity 2022, the required setting item for API Compatibility has been removed - If there are spaces or 2-byte characters in the project path, a warning will be displayed at startup and installation will not be possible