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built-in functions - GUI


Utility functions that manipulate GUI elements.



bool hsCanvasSetLayerShow(string layerName, bool show)

Shows the layer specified by name with true and hides it with false.


bool hsCanvasSetGUIShow(string layerName, string guiName, bool show)

Shows the Canvas specified by name with true and hides it with false.


bool hsCanvasSetGUIPos(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, float X, float Y)

Sets the GUI element's position as the designated value.


bool hsCanvasGetGUIPos(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, ref float X, ref float Y)

Gets the GUI element's position value.


bool hsCanvasSetGUIText(string LayerName, string GUIName, string Text)

Sets a string to the Canvas specified by name.


bool hsCanvasSetGUITextAlignment(string LayerName, string GUIName, int Alignment)

Sets the text element's alignment.


bool hsCanvasSetGUITextOverflowWrap(string LayerName, string GUIName, bool OverflowWrap)

Sets the text element's auto overflow wrap setting.


bool hsCanvasSetGUITextURLClickable(string LayerName, string GUIName, bool URLClickable)

Gets the URL clickable state of the text element.


bool hsCanvasSetGUIImage(string layerName, string guiName, string path)

Sets an image on the Canvas specified by name.


bool hsCanvasResetToggleDefault(string name)

Resets the GUI element specified by name to its default state.


bool hsCanvasToggleChange(string name)

Toggles the state of a GUI element specified by name.


bool hsCanvasWorldToScreenPos(Vector3 WorldPos, ref float ScreenX, ref float ScreenY)

Converts the world position to screen position. If the position is out of range, false will be returned.


bool hsCanvasIsPortrait()

Returns a bool value whether the screen is in portrait or landscape.


void hsCanvasSetConfigClosedFlag(bool Flag)

Toggles the show status of configuration window.


void hsCanvasAddGUI(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, HSGUIModel Model)

Adds a GUI by searching a Layer by LayerName, with determining whether screen is in portrait or landscape by IsPortrait.

HelScript Example:

HSGUIModel model;
model = new HSGUIModel();
HS2DI size;
size = new HS2DI();

For details about HSGUIModel class, see HSGUIModel - Summary.


bool hsCanvasSetGUISize(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, float X, float Y)

Set the size of GUI.


bool hsCanvasGetGUISize(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, ref float X, ref float Y)

Get the size of GUI.


bool hsCanvasSetGUIAngle(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, float Angle)

Set the angle of GUI.


bool hsCanvasGetGUIAngle(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, ref float Angle)

Get the angle of GUI.


void hsAddGUIImage(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, string Platform, string Language, string Portrait, bool Show, int Z, int PosX, int PosY, int SizeX, int SizeY, float PivotX, float PivotY, string Anchor, bool RaycastTarget, float Angle, string URI, int UVAreaX, int UVAreaY, int UVAreaWidth, int UVAreaHeight, int L, int R, int T, int B)

Adds a image type GUI by searching a Layer by LayerName, with determining whether screen is in portrait or landscape by IsPortrait.


void hsAddGUIButton(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, string Platform, string Language, string Portrait, bool Show, int Z, int PosX, int PosY, int SizeX, int SizeY, float PivotX, float PivotY, string Anchor, bool RaycastTarget, float Angle, string FileName, string OnCursorFileName, string DownFileName, string ClickAreaFileName, int ClickAreaSizeX, int ClickAreaSizeY, float FlickCheckTime, float FlickLengthThreshold, int UVAreaX, int UVAreaY, int UVAreaWidth, int UVAreaHeight, int L, int R, int T, int B)

Adds a button type GUI by searching a Layer by LayerName, with determining whether screen is in portrait or landscape by IsPortrait.


hsAddGUIText(string LayerName, bool IsPortrait, string GUIName, bool Show, int Z, int PosX, int PosY, int SizeX, int SizeY, float PivotX, float PivotY, string Anchor, bool RaycastTarget, float Angle, string Text, string FontFamily, int FontSize, float ColorR, float ColorG, float ColorB, float ColorA, string Alignment, int CharaSpace, int LineSpace, bool IsOverflowWrap, bool URLClickable, float URLColorR, float URLColorG, float URLColorB, float URLColorA )

Adds a text type GUI by searching a Layer by LayerName, with determining whether screen is in portrait or landscape by IsPortrait.