VKC Item Particle
VKC Item Particle is a component that expands particles based on .hep format files.
You can output a .hep file with UnityEditor menu > Vket Cloud SDK > ExportParticle, but it is currently deprecated.
Please use Particle Editor to create .hep files instead.
Available methods for this object type
Label | Initial Value | function |
.hep | None | Specifies the hep file. |
autoplay | false | Automatically play particles. |
loop | false | Loops particle playback. |
Label | Initial Value | function |
Auto Loading | true | Used for setting up Dynamic Loading. The object will be loaded on the first load by default. |
Clickable | false | Toggle mouse interaction on object. |
Item Render Priority | 0 | Designates the Item's render priority. For details, refer to RenderingSettings / Priority List |
Show Photo Mode | true | Specifies whether it is displayed in photo mode |