The AvatarFile is used in the Vket Cloud SDK for such as Adding Preset Avatars.
This file stores information to initiate avatars on Vket Cloud.
About Emotion function
If you want to use Emotion
function, please use SDK12.3.4 or earlier versions.
function is no longer available after SDK 13.0.
General Information
Label | Function |
Thumbnail(Japanese) | Sets the thumbnail image for the avatar when language is Japanese. The thumbnail will be used in the preset avatar list. |
Thumbnail(English) | Sets the thumbnail image for the avatar when language is English. The thumbnail will be used in the preset avatar list. |
About Avatar Settings
Avatar Settings can be configured by switching to Advanced
setting mode in Vket Cloud Settings object.
By doing above, the object Avatar Settings
appears in the hierarchy and can be configured.
Note that thumbnail image must be in png format and 1:1 square ratio.
This tab designates the avatar by .vrm
or .hrm
The thumbnail image will be applied to the preset avatar list located in the in-world settings as below.
The avatar display order will be set according to the setting in VketCloudSettings > Avatar Settings > Avatar Setting > Avatar File.
When setting a .vrm
file as an avatar data, the settings below can be configured.
Label | function |
.vrm | Sets the model of the avatar. |
Note that thumbnail image must be in png format and 1:1 square ratio.
When setting a .hrm
file as an avatar data, the settings below can be configured.
Label | function |
Hrm Png | Sets the [model_name]_png.hrm file generated by Texture Compression. |
Hrm Astc | Sets the [model_name]_astc.hrm file generated by Texture Compression. |
Hrm Etc 2 | Sets the [model_name]_etc.hrm file generated by Texture Compression. |
Hrm Dxt | Sets the [model_name]_dxt.hrm file generated by Texture Compression. |
About Texture Compression
The original texture compression tool is scheduled for deprecation as compression will be done on the server on future versions.
As an alternative, the texture size can be reformatted using an SDKTool.
For details, refer to Texture Compression.
This tab designates the motions used in the avatar.
Vket Cloud allows you to add any motion and uses a unique file format called .hem
By creating and allocating an animation file, the avatar's motion such as idle, walking, turn around, and reversing van be replaced.
Label | Initial Value | function |
Motion Name | Sets the motion name. | |
.hem | Sets the motion file. | |
Loop | true | Play the motion in a loop. Turn it on for walking and standby motions. |
Use Action | false | Sets the action to call when the motion starts playing. In particular, enable this setting and designate the action to be fired via Setting . |
Draw Circle Shadow | true | Sets to draw a circle shadow on playing motion. |
Collision Detection | true | Sets collision detection on playing motion. |
Avatars can have assets attached by designating as an object. The object may be set in three formats: Heo, Hep, or Audio.
Label | Initial Value | function |
Name | blank | Set the name of the object. |
Object Type | Heo | Set the type of object. Heo : .heo file, Hep : particles, Audio : audio |
File | blank | Set the file to be used as an object. |
Position | 0,0,0 | Set the relative position from the Target. |
Rotation | 0,0,0 | Set the relative rotation from the Target. |
Target | blank | Specifies the bone that serves as the coordinate origin. The bone name is akin to the VRM Humanoid, name in snake_case (e.g. head, left_lower_leg, left_thumb_proximal...) |