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World Optimization - Overview

Vket Cloud SDK provides viable methods of optimization for better world performance on web browsers / smartphones.

Occlusion Culling

In Occlusion Culling, the objects beyond a certain occluder in the player's PoV (e.g. giant buildings, walls, etc. ) can be cut out from the draw process, optimizing the performance as a result.


Texture Compression

In Texture Compression, the textures used in the world can be compressed using external tools. By compressing textures, the texture load time causing longer world loading can be shortened.

Dynamic Loading

Using the VKC Item Field component, world resources can be Dynamically Loaded / Unloaded depending on the player's position.

By dynamic loading, the world load can be split to optimize resource loading, such as loading only the initial resources for world entrance, and controlling resources according to the player's actions.