SDK (Editor extension tool for creating worlds in Unity)
Fixed Bugs
Fixed build errors that occurred when setting VKCItemAreaCollider, VKCNodeActionTrigger, or VKCSettingNameplate.
Addressed an issue where selecting the analog clock activity in VKCAttributeScript and upgrading from 13.7.7 to 14.1.0 caused the Heliscript item to be removed.
Resolved a problem where two finger icons were displayed under certain conditions for VKC Attribute Clickable UI.
Fixed an issue where thumbnails reverted to an unselected state after following certain steps in the World Uploader.
Corrected layout issues in the World Uploader when selecting images in the detailed settings section.
Prevented non-png/jpeg files from being selectable when "AllFiles" was specified in the World Uploader.
Fixed an issue where pressing the play button in the editor failed to make Vket-chan appear in the scene.
Resolved a problem where preview text was not displayed for VKC TextPlane even when entering custom text.
Fixed an issue where Gizmos icon rendering priorities reset after saving the scene.
Addressed a problem in SDK 14.2.1 where exported HEO details from the "Export Field" feature could not be viewed.
Resolved inconsistencies in icon sizes displayed in the hierarchy.
Fixed an issue where the wrong icons were displayed when multiple components were attached.
Addressed disappearing Gizmos icons for VKCAreaCollider when deselected.
Fixed non-functional shortcuts.
Corrected an issue where objects became invisible or the screen turned black when setting VKCItemobject rotation values to specific configurations (X:90/Y:90/Z:180).
Resolved an issue where JSON override values remained after detaching a JSON file in VKCItemActivity.
Addressed a problem where BuildAndRun and feedback data were not sent to Firebase after keeping Unity Editor open for an extended period.
Fixed a build failure issue caused by selecting an image for VKCSettingNameplate.
Addressed a problem where video replacement was not functional in VKCNodeVideoTrigger.
Resolved an issue where Gizmos icons other than VKCAreaCollider disappeared when deselected.
Ensured VKC Item Camera Gizmos icons are visible without selection.
Fixed display issues when setting priority values for VKC components to four digits.
Resolved a bug where Texture values could not be set in UI > Editor > VKCItemPlane.
Ensured all resources like file streams are properly closed after use in the SDK.
Unresolved Issues
When updating from the external version of SDK 14.2.1 to SDK 14.4.12 using the Install Wizard, the loading animation may not complete.
Force-restarting Unity allows the update to proceed without issue.
In SDK 14.4.12, Tutorial-Visual is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance.
To use Visual features, please reuse content created in versions 14.2.1 or 13.7.7.
[Windows & Mac] VKCNodeActionTrigger, VKC Item Activity, VKC Setting Nameplate, and VKCSetting Spawn display improperly when carried over from 13.7.7 to 14.4.12.
This issue is caused by a serialization problem with Unity's Reorderable List, requiring manual adjustments during migration.
VKC Item Text Plane displays inconsistently between in-game builds and Unity's Play Mode.
The in-game build display is correct; use Build And Run to verify text display.
[Mac Only] Icons displayed in the hierarchy may not update immediately.
Use VketCloudSDK > Tools > Debug Console to refresh and resolve the issue.
VKC Attribute Clickable UI finger icons overlap with Gizmos icons by default.
Disabling Gizmos in Unity Editor reveals the finger icons.
The emote function displayed at the bottom-right of the game window in Play Mode does not work.
Use Build And Run to verify emote functionality.
Version 14.4.0
HeliodorLib (Engine used in browser-displayed worlds)
Feature Additions and Adjustments
Omitted the functionality to display multiple general-purpose dialogs
This is a temporary measure due to fundamental design issues that prevented opening general-purpose dialogs in HeliScript outside of Canvas
Aligned the behavior of LayerBundle and Layer's SetShow() with hsCanvasSetLayerShow()