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How to Use HEM Animation Converter

In Vket Cloud, the type of animation must be Legacy in Unity.
Normally, the conversion from Humanoid to Legacy animation in Unity can only be done on the same character model due to differences in bone names and the structure.
HEM Animation Converter can convert the Humanoid animation of a certain character to a Legacy animation for the targeted character model.

How to start HEM Animation Converter

Select [Tools] --> [HEMAnimationConverter] from [Vket Cloud SDK] tab.


Description of GUI of HEM Animation Converter

Object tab

On the Object tab, specify the animation to convert and the model to convert.

Initial state of UI:


UI after dragging and dropping objects:


Number Name Function
1 Object Screen tab for handling objects used for animation output
2 Settings Tab to display detailed settings screen
3 Animation to convert Specify the animation to convert.
Only Humanoid type clips are accepted
4 “+” Add button. Click to add T-pose AnimationClip as default value
5 Conversion model Specify the character model you want to move with HEM animation.
Only FBX with AnimationType Humanoid and its prefabs are accepted
6 “+” Add button. Click to add vketchan_vrm.fbx, which is built into the SDK as a default value
7 Convert animation Convert button. With default settings, HEM animation will be output to Assets/HEMAnimationConverter/export
8 “-” Delete button. Click to cancel the registered animation
9 Animations 3. Animation clip registered in the animation to be converted
10 Hand IK Toggle to set IK for animation. If checked, IK will be applied
11 Foot IK Toggle to set IK for animation. If checked, IK will be applied
12 "-" Delete button. Click to cancel the registered FBX asset
13 Model 5. FBX to be converted registered in the conversion model

Settings tab


Number Name Function
1 Object Screen tab for handling objects used for animation output
2 Settings Tab to display detailed settings screen
3 Destination folder Folder path to save the HEM file
4 Prefix Name to prefix the save name
5 Suffix Name to be added after the save name
6 Preview output name Display Prefix_Animation Clip name_Suffix
7 Animation Clip If checked, a Legacy type animation clip will be output.
The output destination is the save folder/AnimationClip
8 Motion Root node Node that applies RootT and RootQ linked to Humanoid AnimationClip
When None, select Hips
9 Hierarchy Node that applies RootT and RootQ linked to Humanoid AnimationClip
When None, select Hips
10 Animation Displays InspectorView for each animation clip.
Number Name Function
10.a StartTime Start time of AnimationClip
10.b StopTime End time of AnimationClip
10.c Orientation Offset Y Offset to the root rotation value (the specified value is the rotation value)
10.d Level Offset to root height
10.e Cycle Offset Start frame of loop motion
10.f Loop Time When checked, loop playback
10.g Loop Blend Enable seamless looping animation
10.h Loop Blend Orientation Root rotation can be baked into bone motion
Disable to save root rotation values as root motion
10.i Loop Blend Position(Y) Allows you to bake vertical movement into the root bone
Disable to save the vertical movement value of the root as root motion
10.j Loop Blend Position(XZ) Allows you to bake horizontal movement into the root bone
Disable to save the root horizontal movement value as root motion
10.k Keep Original Orientation When checked, keeps the rotation as created in the source file.
When disabled, set the 0F rotation value to (0,0,0)
10.l Keep Original Position(Y) When checked, keeps the height as created in the source file.
When disabled, set the 0F height as the origin
10.m Keep Original Position(XZ) When checked, keeps the horizontal position as created in the source file.
When disabled, sets the 0F horizontal position as the origin
10.n Height From Feet When checked, sets the reference point of Keep Original Position (Y) to the foot.
*This item does not apply when Keep Original Position(Y) is enabled
10.o Mirror When checked, mirrors the motion horizontally around the YZ plane


 For details on each item in **10. Animation**, please refer to the officially listed Area C items. <br>
 [Animation Tab - Unity Manual]({target=_blank}

How to use

1. Drag and drop the animation clip you want to convert


2. Drag and drop the character you want to animate


3. If you want to change detailed settings, open the settings tab and change them.

4. Press the convert button


5. The HEM save dialog will be displayed, so specify any name and press the save button.


6. A dialog indicating that the conversion was successful will appear, so press OK.



  • Q1. When I converted the animation, my arm became bent. Is it a bug?

  • A. Don't worry. It's not a bug.
    The problem can be fixed by unchecking HandIK and converting.




 Due to the nature of IK, when transferring the motion of a character with relatively short arms to a character with long arms, <br>
 When HandIK is applied, the following symptoms occur.