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VKC/HEO Components Overview

The Vket Cloud SDK includes the following types of components:

  • Setting Component: Components that can only be assigned one value per scene.
  • Item Component: Components that can be assigned multiple values within a scene.
  • Node Component: Components related to nodes.
  • Attribute Component: Components that assign attributes to items, nodes, objects, etc.
  • Legacy Component (Deprecated): Components from older versions.

Setting Components

Category Component Name (-SDK9.X) Component Name (SDK10.X-SDK12.3) Component Name (SDK13.X-)
Basic HEO World Settings Base Setting VKC Setting Base
Player HEO Player Player Setting VKC Setting Player
DespawnHeight HEO Despawn Height Despawn Height Setting VKC Setting Despawn Height
Rendering HEO Rendering Rendering Setting VKC Setting Rendering
Camera HEO World Settings World Camera Setting VKC Setting World Camera
Avatars HEO World Settings Avatar Setting VKC Setting Avatar
My Avatar HEO World Settings My Avatar Setting VKC Setting My Avatar
Spawn HEO Spawn HEO Spawn VKC Setting Spawn
Nameplate HEO Nameplate HEO Nameplate VKC Setting Nameplate

Item Components

In Vket Cloud worlds, each element such as models, colliders, sound, and particles are internally categorized as "items".
Defining a new item on the world scene can be done by adding a component to a game object, using such as VKC Item Field, VKC Item Object, etc.

Items are further categorized by "type", which defines the role of each item.
here are a few examples:

  • field: an item which cannot be moved from its initial position
  • object: an item that can move, animate, and other dynamic actions
  • plane: item for displaying an image
  • textplane: item for displaying a text
  • camera: item for switching to a new camera from the ordinary camera, mainly for special effects
  • bg, se, system (component named as Audio): item for playing sound effects
  • particle: item for emitting particles
Item Component Component Name (-SDK12.3) Component Name (SDK13.X-)
Field HEO Field VKC Item Field
Object HEO Object VKC Item Object
Plane HEO Plane VKC Item Plane
Text Plane HEO Text Plane VKC Item Text Plane
Audio HEO Audio VKC Item Audio
Particle HEO Particle VKC Item Particle
Spot HEO Spot VKC Item Spot
Area Collider HEO Area Collider VKC Item Area Collider
Bg. Texture HEO Background Texture VKC Item Background Texture
Activity HEO Activity VKC Item Activity
Camera HEO Camera VKC Item Camera

About Item - Field

The "field" type item is unique for its immutability in the scene, which its position cannot be moved. Even if a script calls a field item to move it, it cannot be moved by feature.
However, field items are useful for node controls and editing on Unity.
Immutable objects such as background assets/props are recommended to be placed as a "field" item.

Follow the instructions below to place an object as a "field" item:

  1. Attach a VKC Item Field component to a game object in the Unity scene

  2. Place 3D models, colliders, etc. under the object with the VKC Item Field component

This process will pack the Field object and its child objects to a single heo file on build, and place it on the scene as a field type item.
The child objects will be referred as Nodes, which is explained later on.

About Item - Object

As another type to place 3D models, "object" type items are used aside from field item.
Object type items are able to change position, rotation, and scale by script unlike field item, and can play animations including bone animations.
However, as outputting the item requires a rather complex procedure, field item is a viable option if the object needs several readjustments.
For dynamic objects or scriptable objects, "object" type would be the recommended item.

Follow the instructions below to place an object as a "object" item:

  1. Select a game object to designate as an "object" item (multiple selections are not allowed)

  2. Run Vket Cloud SDK > Export Field

  3. Save heo file at a designated location

  4. Place a game object in the scene and attach VKC Item Object component

  5. Allocate the saved heo file to VKC Item Object

This procedure will copy the heo file at the designated location on build, and register it as an object type item.

*Note: Objects following an Avatar bone is also referred to as "Object". When configuring Show/HideObject in Action Trigger, the "Object" referred here is Avatar-following objects!

Node Components

In Vket Cloud, the previously mentioned Field and Object are formatted in a unique .heo 3D model file format.
.heo has a unique feature, which child objects in Unity will be considered as Nodes in .heo, and will be a target for Node-related components and HeliScript methods.

As an important note, nodes in .heo objects do not have a Hierarchy
Even if the original object had a hierarchy defined on Unity, this will be dismantled on exporting as a heo file.
For instance, if a Node which was a parent object on Unity is designated for show/hide, the former-child object nodes will not be affected by show/hide on Vket Cloud, as the hierarchy does not exist.

Node Component Component Name (-SDK12.3) Component Name (SDK13.X-)
Alpha Animation - VKC Node Alpha Animation
Animation HEO Animation VKC Node Rotate Animation
Rotate Animation HEO Rotate Animation Deprecated (merged with VKC Node Rotate Animation)
Collider HEO Collider VKC Node Collider
Cylinder Collider HEO Cylinder Collider VKC Node Cylinder Collider
IBLCubeMap - -
Info HEO Info VKC Node Blend Shape Translator
LOD Level HEO LOD Level VKC Node LOD Level
Mesh Collider HEO Mesh Collider VKC Node Mesh Collider
Mirror HEO Mirror VKC Node Mirror
Reflection Probe - -
Object Type HEO Object Type VKC Node Reflection Probe Type
Shadow HEO Shadow VKC Node Shadow
UV Scroll HEO UV Scroller VKC Node UV Scroller
Video HEO Video Trigger VKC Node Video Trigger

Attribute Components

Attribute Component Component Name (-SDK12.3) Component Name (SDK13.X-)
Action Trigger HEO Action Trigger VKC Attribute Action Trigger
Property HEO Property VKC Attribute Property
Script HEO Script VKC Attribute Script
Show Flag HEO Show Flag VKC Attribute Show Flag
Clickable UI - VKC Attribute Clickable UI
Clickguide HEO Clickguide VKC Attribute Click Guide

Legacy Items

  • HEO World Setting
  • HEO Despawn Height
  • HEO Player
  • HEO Redire
  • HEO Selecting Object
  • HEO Text Preview