Guide To Clear Textures
SDK Version: 13.1.0
OS: Windows 10
Unity: 2019.4.31.f1
Browser: Google Chrome
This page describes know-how for displaying dots on VketCloud without blurring, smearing, or missing dots.
Import Settings
Since Vket Cloud SDK13.1, a function has been added to automatically convert non-png textures to png. However, please prepare a png file in advance because textures may be blurred when using this function.
Advanced/Non-Power of 2
With NPOT textures, this option is available, as are various algorithms such as ToNearest and ToLarger. However, NPOT textures are always blurred or missing dots. Therefore, you should prepare a POT texture.
Advanced/Read/Write Enabled
Vket Cloud SDK needs to be checked for Read processing in various places.
Select Point; Vket Cloud SDK uses this algorithm to scale the texture.
Set to None. Doing so may cause blurring of colors.
Use Crunch Compression
Do not check the box.
- Image format should be png
- Make the texture the size of a POT
- Set FilterMode to Point
- Compression should be None