- Localized the menu bar.
- Localized an action pop-up addition window.
- Added CSV import function of translation data.
- Deleted the build password for beta testers.
- Added a login function with a VKET account.
- The assembly configuration has been changed.
- Added Firebase Analytics.
- Added a mirror rendering.
- Added the delaytime to the transition of motion during the air.
- Added the 'defaulttpsadjusttype' in the SCENE file to specify the default TPS camera type.
- Added the 'dummyavatars' in the SCENE file to specify multiple dummy avatars.
- Supported the VRM/MTOON outline masks.
- Adjusted the camera distance when moving from FPS to shooting mode.
- Added a real -time shadow / distance fade.
- Improved the calculation of Ach in real-time shadow / ShadowCaster range.
- Deleted the output of DXT compression BAT with HeoExporter.
- Fixed an issue in which a coated coallider that is not corrected during ITEM loading.
- Fixed an issue that the vertex may be disturbed at the time of animation with some VRM models.
- Fixed an issue that the transparent/cutout of VRM/Mtoon may not be drawn correctly.
- Fixed an issue that the camera position may drop when using MyAvatar.
- Fixed an issue that the chat log badge is displayed even if there is no notification.
- Player.getid: Added a method to get a player ID to Heliscript.
- HstextChatoutput: Added a method to output text in text chat to Heliscript.
- ONRECEIVETEXTChat: Added a text chat callback method to Heliscript.
- hsCanvasIsPortrait: Added a method that determines whether a canvas is a portrait.
- A added a Canvas operation function such as hsCanvasSetGUIImage to Heliscript.