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HEOWorldSetting manages your World's basic info. This component lets you configurate the following settings:

  • Basic Info
  • Camera
  • Rendering
  • Avatars
  • MyAvatar

Basic Info


Label function
World Name Set the name of the World. This value will be autofilled by the generated world ID on upload, which will mainly be used for the world URL.
(e.g. [VketID_of_Creator][World_Name])
Debug Mode Switch to debug mode. When switched on, players can use the F1/F2 key to access the debug menu on browser.
VRM Drop Allows users to locally change their avatar by drag-and-dropping their own .vrm avatars to the browser screen.
Occulusion Culling Activate the Occulusion Culling.
For instructions, please refer to Occlusion Culling.
World Name Directory When exporting to .heo and other files, the files will be packed into a folder with the same name as the World Name.
(e.g. data/field/World Name/world.heo)
Multi Play Mode In Local Build Activate multiplayer functions even during the local build.
Use GamePad Activate usage of GamePads.
Use Physics Engine Activate usage of the Physics Engine.
Favicon Set the Favicon of the World.
HeliScript The HeliScripts used in this world will be listed here. HeliScripts designated in components such as HEOScript will be listed automatically.


While HeliScript elements will be added automatically, it may become a None or Missing entry due to deleting files, etc. Note that if the HeliScript elements contain a None or Missing entry, they may become a cause of a build error.



In all SDK versions currently released including version 5.4, gamepads are unable to be used regardless of `Use GamePad` settings.<br>
This issue is scheduled to be fixed at the next release version.


In SDK version 5.4, playing emotes in local build is disabled while disabling the `Multi Play Mode In Local Build` (i.e. entering in single play mode) due to defect.<br>
On testing emotes in local build, please enable the `Multi Play Mode In Local Build`.



Label function
Smoothing Set whether or not the smoothing is applied to the camera movement.
Far Offset Shift the focus point of TPS camera up and down.
Near Offset Shift the focus point of TPS camera up and down.
Photo Radius Set the radius of movable range for the photo mode camera.
Raycast Max Distance Set the maximum raycast distance from the click detection camera in meter.
Default TPS Camera Set the offset for the TPS camera. center: right behind (default) right: Over the right shoulder(Typical TPS Camera-style)left: Over the left shoulder



Label function
PBR Enables PBR lighting.
Directional Light Set a Directional Light placed in the scene as the directional light for this world.
Fade In Time Set the white fade-in length on world enter in seconds.
Shadow Type Set the Shadow Type. round is a round shadow, and normalshadowmap is a normal shadow map.
normalshadowmap is used with HEOShadow.
Shadow Bias Set the bias value on drawing shadows.
Shadow Area Size Set the distance for drawing shadow in meter.
Shadow Fade Size Set the fadeout size growing from the shadow's periphery in meter.
Projection Near Change the near clipping distance.
Projection Far Change the far clipping distance.
Projection Degree Change the FoV angle. (default value recommended)
Bloom Enable/disable bloom.
Light Scattering Enable/disable light scattering.
IBL Enable/disable IBL, or Image-Based Lighting.


Note that the Intensity value set on the `Directional Light`(as image below) will not be used within the world.<br>
To express light intensity, multiply the `Directional Light`'s color by using the worldsetting's `LightColor` value.



Label function
Bloom Enable/disable bloom.
Bloom Intensity Set the strength of the bloom.
Bloom Threshold Set the lower limit of brightness at which the bloom takes effect.
Light Scattering Enable/disable light scattering.
Scattering Intensity Set the strength of atmospheric scattering.
Scattering Directivity Set the directivity, the degree of concentration of the scattered light.
G Set the parameter to adjust the strength of IBL, or Image-Based Lighting.
Distance Set the distance at which the light scattering starts.
LightColor Set the color of the light.
SunColor Set the color of the sunlight.
IBL Enable/disable IBL, or Image-Based Lighting.
DiffuseSize Set the size of the diffuse map texture.
SpecularSize Set the size of the specular map texture.



Label function
Dummy Avatar Specify the Dummy Avatar that will be rendered in place of the normal avatar when the avatar is in a distant location or the rendering limit has been reached.
Avatar Files Set the avatar file that handles all the information for avatars. Refer to this guide for the details about Avatar Files.
CreateAvatarFile Generate a new avatar file.


When updating from Ver5.4 to Ver9.3, the HEOWorldSetting > Avatars > Avatar File settings may be missing, set the file by the procedure below on such occasion.

If the HEOWorldSetting > Avatars > Avatar File settings is empty, or has no contents, it may lead to build errors or no avatars displayed on default.


As the SDK has a default avatarfile, select this file if there is an empty entry in the list after switching the version.




Label function
NSFW Restrict the use of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) avatars.
Polygon Set the upper limit of polygon count for the MyAvatars in this world.
Motion Set the motion to be used by the MyAvatars.


Label function
Emotion Set the emotes to be used by the MyAvatars.
Objects Set the model to be enabled for pickups by MyAvatars.