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HEOPlayer specifies the spawn point, jump velocity, movespeed, etc. of the player.
There can only be one HEOPlayer in a Scene.

Label Initial Value Function
World Position Same value as Transform's Position value Set the player's position on spawn
World Rotation Same value as Transform's Rotation value Set the player's rotation on spawn.
Note that only the Y-Axis value will be applied
Jump true Enable/Disable jump in world
Jump Velocity 4.5 Set the upward velocity for jump in world
Move Speed 7.0 Set m/s speed for player movement in world
Move Speed Up Ratio 2.0 Set ratio for speed change when player's dashing
TPS Rotation 0,0,0 Apply the value to the camera's rotation on spawn.
To place the camera on front of the player on enterance, set value to [0.0, 180.0, 0.0]
CRP Mode false Enable/Disable CRP (protocol for object syncronization on realtime communication).
This is an internal feature, which cannot be used for world creation

The spawn point will be shown as follows.


For example, the camera on spawn will be rotated as below if TPS Rotation is set to (0,180,0).
