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Quick Menu for adding Vket Cloud objects

On installing VketCloudSDK, a quick menu for adding Vket Cloud world objects to the scene will be added on the Hierarchy's context (i.e. right-click) menu.


Categories of objects and functions

Category Minor Category Function
3D Item Create HEO Sphere Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOObject component attached which has a Sphere heo setup.
Create HEO Cube Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOObject component attached which has a Cube heo setup.
Create HEO Avatar Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOObject component attached which has a Vket_Chan vrm setup.
Create HEO Platform Creates a Platform which allows the player to stand on (Similar to a Unity Plane with Box Collider attached)
2D Item Create HEO Plane Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOPlane attached.
Create HEO TextPlane Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOTextplane attached.
Create HEO Audio Player Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOAudio attached.
Create HEO Video Player Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOVideoTrigger attached.
Create HEO Particle Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOParticle attached.
Environment Create Sky box Creates a skybox prefab in the scene, which is alike the prefab in the Tutorials > Tutorial -basic- scene. QuickMenu_2
Background texture Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOBackgroundTexture attached.
Create HEO Camera Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOCamera attached.
Gimmics Create HEO ActionTrigger Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOActionTrigger attached.
Create HEO AreaCollider Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOAreaCollider attached.
Create HEO Spot Creates a new GameObject in the scene, with HEOSpot attached.