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Playing Entrance Sound Effects Only Under Specific Conditions

This explains how to play entrance sound effects under specific conditions.

The requirement to play the sound during an operation might be a drawback.

Test Environment

SDK Version: 13.7.7
OS: Windows 10
Unity: 2019.4.31.f1
Browser: Chrome

① Set the audio file to an Audio Clip


② Set the parameters of other VKC Item Audio


A. Set loop to false

B. Set auto-play of the sound effect to true

C. Set dynamic loading (AutoLoading) of the sound effect to false

③ Load the corresponding Item in the constructor


Ensure that the settings and GameObject are set to "AnnounceSound"


  • There are multiple spawn points (divided by the spaceindex URL query)
  • Play the station announcement sound effect only when spawning at the station (when spaceindex is 0 or not present)


Although this is an old implementation, it is now recommended to use the method to retrieve query parameters with HeliScript.

void SetAnnounceSound() // Load the announcement sound
    Item announceItem = hsItemGet("AnnounceSound");
    ReturnType result = hsLoadReturnType(heliport.v3.api.routers.getCurrentUrl());
    if (!result.IsValid())
    string url =;
    int spaceIndexIndex = url.IndexOf("spaceindex");
    if (spaceIndexIndex != -1) // If spaceindex is present
        if (url.IndexOf("spaceindex=0") != -1) // If spaceindex is 0
            // hsSystemWriteLine("AnnounceSound Load");
        // hsSystemWriteLine("AnnounceSound Load");

Additional Insights

It seems that the sound effect will play even if Auto Loading is set to true and Unload() is called in the constructor.
