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Quaternion class


A class that represents the four elements x, y, z, and w of a quaternion.

class definition

class Quaternion
     public float x, y, z, w;

     public Quaternion()
     public Matrix GetMatrix()

Quaternion utility functions


Quaternion makeQuaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w)

global function. Generate a quaternion by specifying 4 elements x, y, z, w.


Quaternion makeQuaternionMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b)

global function. Multiplies two quaternions and returns the result as a new quaternion.


Quaternion makeQuaternionXRotation(float rotateRadian)

global function. Returns the quaternion rotated by rotateRadian around the x-axis.


Quaternion makeQuaternionYRotation(float rotateRadian)

global function. Returns the quaternion rotated by rotateRadian around the y-axis.


Quaternion makeQuaternionZRotation(float rotateRadian)

global function. Returns the quaternion rotated by rotateRadian around the z-axis.


Quaternion makeQuaternionEuler(float x, float y, float z)

global function. Generates a quaternion from the triplet of Euler angles x, y, z.


Quaternion makeQuaternionFromTo(Vector3 From, Vector3 To)

global function. Generates a quaternion from From vector to To vector.


Quaternion makeQuaternionLook(Vector3 LookView, Vector3 Up)

global function. Generates a quaternion which will face the LookView direction. The Up vector should be designated as (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) unless intended.



public Quaternion()

Creates a quaternion instance with x, y, z elements set to 0 and w element set to 1.

member variables

float x

public float x

The x component of the quaternion.

float y

public float y

The y component of the quaternion.

float z

public float z

The z component of the quaternion.

float w

public float w

The w component of the quaternion.



public Matrix GetMatrix()

Returns the quaternion as a 4x4 matrix.


public void Set(float x, float y, float z, float w)

Sets the quaternion with the four elements x, y, z, and w.


public void SetEuler(float x, float y, float z)

Sets the quaternion with the Euler angles (degrees) x, y, and z.


public void SetEulerVector3(Vector3 angles)

Sets the quaternion with the Euler angles (degrees) x, y, and z as a Vector3.


public void GetEuler(ref float x, ref float y, ref float z)

Gets the Euler angles (degrees) from the quaternion as the arguments x, y, and z.


public Vector3 GetEulerVector3()

Gets the Euler angles (degrees) from the quaternion as a Vector3.