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Auto Texture Compressor


Auto Texture Compressor is a tool used to compress in-world textures.


  1. To use this tool, you need to install the following external tools:

    After installation, ensure that the folder containing PVRTexTool\CLI\Windows_x86_64\PVRTexToolCLI.exe is added to your system PATH. (The steps for this are omitted here.)

  2. From the menu bar, select Vket Cloud SDK -> Build And Run to generate textures within the world that will be compressed under the release folder in advance.

How to Start

Auto Texture Compressor can be launched by selecting Vket Cloud SDK --> Tools --> Auto Texture Compressor from the menu bar.


Function Description


English Description
Target Files Displays a list of files that are targeted for texture compression
Checkbox (unchecked) If unchecked, compresses only one heo file without using HEOSameTexOptimizer
Group Name Determines the folder name for creating new folders and placing new files after HEOSameTexOptimizer completes its processing
Export Path Sets where HEOSameTexOptimizer should create new folders
Files In Group Allows adding or removing files from the list of files in this group
File Checkbox (checked) If checked, groups multiple VKC Item Field components for optimization with HEOSameTexOptimizer
Auto Add Fields (Optional) Automatically adds VKC Item Field to this tool’s window when added to the currently open scene
Remove Existing Fields When enabled, removes all previously listed fields before automatically adding new VKC Item Field components
Proceed Button to activate the auto field addition feature
Start Begins the texture compression process


By configuring the settings as shown in the function description image and starting the tool, the following processes occur:

  1. A .bat file for compressing World.heo is launched

  2. The HEOTexComp tool operates on World.heo

  3. A .bat file for compressing World (1).heo is launched

  4. The HEOTexComp tool operates on World (1).heo

  5. HEOSameTexOptimizer starts, consolidates the compression results into a folder named Scene1, and copies it to release/data/Field

  6. A .bat file for compressing World (2).heo is launched

  7. The HEOTexComp tool operates on World (2).heo


About Auto Add Fields

When the "Remove Existing Fields" checkbox is unchecked, "Auto Add Fields" will add only new files that are not already included, and without duplication.

Auto Add Fields will be done in the following cases even when the "Proceed" button is not pressed:

  • When the window is opened

  • When the scene hierarchy is updated

Notes on Auto Texture Compressor

  • If no actual heo files are selected, the Start button will be disabled and cannot be pressed. Please ensure at least one file is selected.