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Built-in Functions - Camera

Utility functions related to camera.


void hsCameraGetXVector(ref float X, ref float Y, ref float Z)

Retrieves the X vector of the camera in world coordinates.


void hsCameraGetYVector(ref float X, ref float Y, ref float Z)

Retrieves the Y vector of the camera in world coordinates.


void hsCameraGetZVector(ref float X, ref float Y, ref float Z)

Retrieves the Z vector of the camera in world coordinates.


void hsCameraSetTPSCameraYOffset(float YOffset, float YDistanceOffset)

Specifies the Y-axis offset for the TPS (Third-Person Shooter) camera. The unit is meters. The YDistanceOffset parameter is used for further adjustment based on camera zoom.


void hsCameraGetPos(ref float X, ref float Y, ref float Z)

Retrieves the position of the camera in world coordinates.


Vector3 hsCameraGetPosVector3()

Retrieves the position of the camera as a Vector3 in world coordinates.