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Physics Engine

In Vket Cloud, collision and physics can be simulated by using Unity colliders and various SDK features.

How to Use Colliders


This article has moved to How to Use Colliders / tips.

How to Use the Physics Engine

1. To apply physics simulation to game objects, attach "Unity Collider" and HEOColliderto the game object.
Unity colliders that can be used for physics simulation are "Box Collider", "Sphere Collider", and "Capsule Collider".

Furthermore, by attaching an additional "HEOCylinderCollider" to a game object with a "Capsule Collider" as mentioned later, it can be used as a cylinder collider exclusively in the Vket Cloud physics engine.


2. Set the properties of the HEOCollider/Physics item.
While each property is explained below, basically enabling Use Physics Engine on Basic Settings and enabling UsePhysics on each collider component will enable the gameobject to simulate their physics.


Brief Overview of HEOCollider/Physics properties


Label Function
Collider type Specifies the type of collider.
Collider target Specifies the target.
UsePhysics When checked, physics simulation will be enabled.
Fixed Toggles whether to fix this game object's position in physics calculation.
Example:Non-moving objects such as floors and walls → Enable Fixed
Moving objects such as balls → Disable Fixed
EnableBody Initial value of whether or not to use physics calculations.
As mentioned later, you can toggle the use of physics calculations with Action Trigger. EnableBody is the initial value.
For example, you can create a gimmick where you put cans of juice in a vending machine with physics disabled, and when you press the purchase button of the vending machine, enable the physics of the can and roll it out from the vending machine.
Mass Mass Parameter
Restitution Restitution Parameter

3. As all parameters have been adjusted, physics simulation will start by Build & Run.

About Action Trigger

For how to use the ActionTrigger, refer to the following pages:

Also, for usage of physics and colliders on HeliScript, refer to the following pages:

About Cylinder Collider

Normally in Unity there is no cylinder collider, and it is substituted by a capsule collider, but in VketCloud, as shown in the image below, by attaching an additional "HEOCylinderCollider" to an object with a "Capsule Collider", you can use it as a cylinder collider exclusively in the VketCloud physics engine.



  • Due to the implementation of collision detection in the physics engine, capsule colliders and cylinder colliders, and cylinder colliders and cylinder colliders do not collide.
  • When using a cylinder collider, thin colliders like Plane may penetrate, so you need to use a box for the ground.