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How to Use the AutoTextureCompresser

Texture compression in VketCloud is done by using a 3rd party compression tool. Although the compression is processed by running batch files with the "_astc", "_dxt" and "_etc" suffixes, this may be confusing for users unfamiliar with the process.
The Auto Texture Compresser is a tool aimed to automate the compression process.

How to Use

1. Install Tools

First, please install PVRTexTool and TexConv. TexConv can be found at the top of the page under "DOWNLOADS@LATEST" to install the files.

Also, in order to run the tool, the latest (Ver. 3.11 or later) Python installation is required.

2. Export the required textures

To compress textures, select VketCloudSDK->BuildAndRun from the menu bar and export the necessary textures under the release folder.

3. Texture conversion

Select AutoTextureCompresser from "VketCloudSDK" on the toolbar.


A window like the one shown below will appear, so set the necessary items for the UI parameters.

The steps required to perform compression are as follows:

  1. Set the python alias name in Python Alias for shell. If an alias is not set, you need to set the Python Path (file location where python.exe is located).


  2. Specify the python version in PythonKeyword.


  3. Specify the full path to the folder in CompressorLocation.
    If you cannot find it, search for "HEOTexComp" in Assets and open the folder that appears from Explorer to get the path. AutoTextureCompresser_4

  4. Specify the full path to the folder in OptimizerLocation.


  5. Specify the path to the release folder built with VketCloudSDK in BuildPath.



 In Ver4.8 / Ver5.4, the string JRWorld is included in the initial value, so please delete that string before using the tool.
 This issue will be fixed in the next update.


  1. Specify the relative path below BuildPath for each field in Path0 in IList.
    Specifically, open the project in Explorer and specify the path with the same name as the object to which HEOField is attached under upload/data/Field.
    If you need to specify more than one, use a new line. example)  data\Field\World  data\Field\PartyRoom  data\Field* AutoTextureCompresser_7

  2. Click on the Optimize Files button

During compression, the image below will appear and the computer will be in standby mode.
The current tool does not release the hanging state when running an external tool, so it will behave as if it is frozen, but please wait for about 5 minutes. AutoTextureCompresser_8

When all compression is completed, folders named "texastc", "texdtx", and "texetc2" will be created in the HEO file under "project name/release/data/field", and the HEO file will be overwritten with the latest version.

UI parameter description

Configure settings for each parameter below.

Python Path Config


Variable Initial value Function
Python Alias for Shell None Python alias name used in cmd.
If you have not set an alias for Python, be sure to set Python Path.
Python Path None Set the directory path for python.exe.

Python Data Config


Variable Initial value Function
Python Keyword python3.11 Name of python.exe to run. Match Python Alias
Compressor Filename HEOTexComp script file name
Compressor Location C:\Project\ Specify the folder path for
Optimizer Filename HEOSameTexOptimizer script filename
Optimizer Location C:\Project\ Specify the folder path of
BuildPath C:\Project\release Path to the release folder built with VketCloudSDK
Batch Type astc dxt etc2 pvrtc List of batch file names that use PVRTextTool and Texconv.
OptimizerSrcFolderName Src Name of the Source folder required by HEOSameTexOptimizer
OptimizerDestFolderName Dest Folder name used by HEOSameTexOptimizer for output

Compress File


Variable Initial value Function
IList None txt file listing folder paths containing HEOs to be converted