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Handling strings

string is a built-in type that represents a sequence of characters.

Text enclosed in double quotation marks, such as "Vket Cloud", are treated as string type.

string internally stores string data as UTF-8 bytes. Use the Length() method to get the length as a string, or LengthByte() to get the number of bytes itself.

Mutable strings

HeliScript strings are mutable. You can rewrite the contents of the string by specifying the index with "[]" or by methods such as Append().

string methods


public int ToInt()

Convert a string to an integer value. Returns 0 if the conversion fails.


public int Length()

Returns the length of the string.


public int LengthByte()

Returns the number of bytes in a UTF-8 array representing a string.


public bool IsEmpty()

Returns true if the string is empty, false otherwise.


public int IndexOf(string value)

Searches for the string specified by the argument and returns the position of the first occurrence of the string if found. Returns -1 if the searched character is not found.

SubString(int, int)

public string SubString(int startIndex, int length)

Generates a substring given a starting position and length in a string.


public void Append(int value)

Appends the characters specified by the arguments to the end of the current string.


public void RemoveLast()

Removes the last character of a string.


public void RemoveAt(int index)

Deletes one character from the position specified by the argument.

special operators

[ ] operator

Gets the character at the specified position in the string as an int value. Assignment to the specified position is also possible.

string text = "Hello!";

// get 'H'
int part = text[0];

// Rewrite "Hello!" to "Hello?"
text[text.Length() - 1] = '?';

+ operator

Concatenate strings to produce a new string.

string text = "Vket";

// create "VketCloud"
string vketcloud = text + "Cloud";

// replace the string itself with the += operator
text += "Cloud";

% operator

Generates a new string by applying various types of values given as arguments to a template string that follows a certain format.

It is also possible to convert numbers to strings, as in the sample code below.

int n;
string s;

s = "%d" %n;

Place format specifier character starting from "%" inside the string to apply the arguments of % operators in its order.

  • %d
    • is a format specifier that represents an integer value.
  • %f
    • is a format specifier that represents a floating-point number.
  • %s
    • is a format specifier that represents a string.
// 1 + 1 = 2
int answer = 2;
hsSystemOutput("1 + 1 = %d\n" % answer);

// VketCloud hello world!
string hello  = "hello world!";
hsSystemOutput("VketCloud %s\n" % hello);

// "int value = myArray[99];"
hsSystemOutput("int %s = %s[%d];\n" % "value" % "myArray" % 99);