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The AvatarFile is used in the VketCloudSDK for such as Adding Preset Avatars.
This file stores information to initiate avatars on Vket Cloud.


This tab designates the VRM file / essential information of the avatar.


Label function
.vrm Sets the model of the avatar.
height Sets the avatar's camera reference position. If set to 0, the camera will follow the feet.
Hrm Png Sets the [model_name]_png.hrm file generated by Texture Compression.
Hrm Astc Sets the [model_name]_astc.hrm file generated by Texture Compression.
Hrm Etc 2 Sets the [model_name]_etc.hrm file generated by Texture Compression.
Hrm Dxt Sets the [model_name]_dxt.hrm file generated by Texture Compression.


This tab designates the motions used in the avatar.
Vket Cloud allows you to add any motion and uses a unique file format called .hem.


Label function
Motion Name Sets the motion name.
.hem Sets the motion file.
loop Play the motion in a loop. Turn it on for walking and standby motions.
useAction Sets the action to call when the motion starts playing.


This tab designates the emote animations used in the avatar.
Vket Cloud allows you to add any Emotion and uses a unique file format called .hem.


Label function
Motion Name Sets the motion name.
.hem Sets the motion file.
loop Play the motion in a loop. Turn it on for walking and standby motions.
useAction Sets the action to call when the motion starts playing.


Avatars can have assets attached by designating as an object. The object may be set in three formats: Heo, Hep, or Audio.


Label function
Name Set a unique name.
Objecttype Specifies the type of object to have. Choose from .heo, .hep, or audio.
File Specifies an asset.
Position Set the offset from target.
Rotation Set the rotation angle.
Target Specifies the bone that serves as the coordinate origin. e.g. right, left, ...