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built-in functions - GUI


Utility functions that manipulate GUI elements.

hsCanvasSetLayerShow(string, bool)

bool hsCanvasSetLayerShow(string layerName, bool show)

Shows the layer specified by name with true and hides it with false.

hsCanvasSetGUIShow(string, string, bool)

bool hsCanvasSetGUIShow(string layerName, string guiName, bool show)

Shows the Canvas specified by name with true and hides it with false.

hsCanvasSetGUIText(string, string, string)

bool hsCanvasSetGUIText(string layerName, string guiName, string text)

Sets a string to the Canvas specified by name.

hsCanvasSetGUIImage(string, string, string)

bool hsCanvasSetGUIImage(string layerName, string guiName, string path)

Sets an image on the Canvas specified by name.


bool hsCanvasResetToggleDefault(string name)

Resets the GUI element specified by name to its default state.


bool hsCanvasToggleChange(string name)

Toggles the state of a GUI element specified by name.