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SDK Manual Change Log - Ver 9.11

Added Pages

Edited Pages

  • About VketCloudSDK
  • How to install VketCloud SDK
    • Updated few images of Install Wizard
  • First Steps
  • World Upload
    • Added troubleshooting when handling multiple scenes in a single project
  • World Making Guide
  • Specification Limits
    • Added incompatibility of Sprite Renderer and Realtime Light
    • Deleted obsolete information on Android build
    • Added guide to HEOBackgroundTexture as an alternative implementation
    • Added incompatibility of jpg / psd, and guide to Export Compressed Texture
    • Miscellaneous edits and reformats
    • Added how to use Avatars and caution on editing preset avatar files
  • How to use Colliders / Tips
    • Added how to use colliders (Separated from Physics Engine)
    • Added tip on creating collision for stairs
  • Physics Engine
    • Added Translation
  • Skybox
    • Added guide to HEOBackgroundTexture as an alternative implementation
    • Edited setup instructions according to Ver9.11 environment
  • Adding Preset Avatars
    • Added caution on editing preset avatar files
  • Troubleshooting
  • Build Error / How to troubleshoot issues
    • Added build error issue on first Build and Run on certain Mac environments
  • World Optimization
  • World Optimization - Overview
    • Added description for dynamic loading
  • HEOComponents
  • HEOAudio
    • Added file format for audio files
  • HEOCollider
    • Update information according to Ver9.11
  • HEOField
    • Added information of Tips on using HEOField page
  • HEOVideoTrigger
    • Updated usage and settings according to Ver9.11 environment
  • Actions
  • Motion
    • Edited details on how to implement action
  • NextMotion
    • Edited details on how to implement action
  • HeliScript
  • Components / Callback functions
    • Added Callback functions that can be used on SDK Ver 9.11
  • Playerクラス
    • Added specification which disallows calling SetNextMotion multiple times

Deleted Pages

  • World Optimization
  • Texture Compression (Texture Converter)