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VKC Attribute Clickable UI


VKCAttributeClickableUI component contains a feature to setup a guide UI indicating a "clickable" object in the world.

About VKC Attribute Click Guide (old: HEOClickGuide)

This component is intended to simplify and generalize the VKC Attribute Click Guide (old: HEOClickGuide) component.
As VKC Attribute Click Guide is scheduled to be deprecated in future versions, please use this component instead.

Basic Settings

Single Image


Label Initial Value Feature
Look At Camera true When true, the Guideframe image will always face the camera
Alpha Blending true Toggles transparent and cut-out rendering
Double Side true Toggles double-side rendering
Foreground Rendering true Toggles rendering on the frontmost layer
Follow Nodes true Toggles UI following if node is dynamic
Auto Hide true Toggles automatic hide after the player enters the area
Time for Hiding(s) 5.0 Display time of UI after player entry
Single Image/Animation Single Image Designates display mode as a static png image, or animation image played frame-by-frame
Image(.png) .guideframe Designate an image for Guideframe
Position [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Designates relative Position from the Transform component in the same GameObject
Rotation [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Designates relative Rotation from the Transform component in the same GameObject
Scale [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] Designates Scale



Label Initial Value Feature
Animation Speed 1.0 Designates frame speed. If value is 1, 1 frame will advance per second.
Frames For Animation - Designates a frame list for animation. Frame will be played from the top.
Image(.png) .guideframe Designate an image for Guideframe
Position [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Designates relative Position from the Transform component in the same GameObject
Rotation [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Designates relative Rotation from the Transform component in the same GameObject
Scale [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] Designates Scale

How to Use

  1. Attach VKC Attribute Clickable UI component to an empty GameObject.
    When component is attached, VKC Node Collider, BoxCollider, and VKC Item Area Collider will be attached automatically as well.


  2. When the player enters the BoxCollider area, the guide UI indicating a clickable object will be shown.
    Adjust the BoxCollider Scale depending on the intended distance for the object to be clickable.


  3. Designate the object to be clicked on VKC Item Area Collider's OnEnter / OnExit, which can be used to control the object's clickable status.
    For example, the Sphere object is controlled in the areacollider using Enable / DisableClickableNode actions.


  4. Build the world to check the appearance.
    When the player enters the Box Collider, the guide UI for showing the object's clickable status will be shown, and the target object becomes clickable as well.
    When the component is in Single Image mode, the displayed image will be shown by the time length designated on Time for Hiding(s).
    If the guide UI should be always shown while the player is in the Box Collider, disable Auto Hide.


  5. If the UI should be emphasized, the Animation mode can be used!
    For example, an animation changing the scale per frame as 1.0 → 1.2 → 1.5 → 1.2 → 1.0 is implemented, which animation speed is set to 5.0.
    Additionally, Auto Hide is disabled to prevent the guide UI from disappearing.


  6. Build the world to see the guide UI's scale change animation.


Implementing complex animations

The Animation mode is intended to be used for frame-by-frame animations.
If complex animations and effects is needed, further implementation can be done by following setup instructions on How to Animate Objects / How to add animation to VKC Item Object, and setup connection between VKC Item Object and VKC Item AreaCollider.