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Version 13.1.0

HeliodorLib (Engine used in browser-displayed worlds)

Feature Enhancements and Adjustments

  • Camera Preview: Removed the margins around the camera preview.
  • Clickable UI Movement: Added a 'move' flag to clickimages for object types, allowing Clickable UIs to move along with the target node.

Bug Fixes

  • Icon Display Error: When viewing the profile of a user who has not set an icon, the previously selected user's icon was displayed instead of the default unset icon.
  • Menu Background on Vertical Screens: Fixed lines appearing in 9-slice background images in photography mode and when darkening buttons in community mode.
  • Photography Description Image Placement: Adjusted the placement of images used for photography instructions.
  • UI Layering Issues: The 'Unfocus' and 'Profile' buttons were displayed in front of the 'Emote Window.'
  • Focus Mode Persistence: After focusing on a user, clicking on the ground to move and then clicking on the user again did not remove the 'Unfocus' button or exit focus mode.
  • Memory Leak with My Avatar: If the screen was left idle without clicks, the memory used by My Avatar increased continuously.
  • Button Alignment: The button for creating worlds on vertical screen menus was misaligned by 1px.
  • Voice Chat Icon Spacing: The spacing between user icons in voice chat was sometimes uneven.
  • UI Disappearance After Camera Mode: Text in the voice channel UI disappeared after exiting camera mode.
  • Channel Settings Button Missing: The button for channel settings was missing for users who had not created a channel.
  • Improper Text Wrapping: Text for 'Create new channel' was wrapping at an unnatural position on vertical screens.
  • Emote List Retrieval Error: Emotes linked to avatar types were incorrectly retrieved as 'Common' for all avatar types during in-game transitions.
  • Non-functional Emote '+' Button: Pressing the '+' button did not trigger the emote API.
  • Emote Indexing Error: Setting emotes to null mistakenly assigned them index 0.
  • Initial Emotes Not Set: Emotes set in the initial_emotes sheet were not being initialized correctly.
  • Action Palette Reload Issue: Reloading when there were fewer than four emotes in the action palette caused it to reset to four.
  • Inactive 'Like' Button: After logging in from in-game, the 'Like' button in the world details of the current world remained inactive and unclickable.
  • Virtual Pad Interference: Other buttons became non-functional while using the virtual pad.
  • Text Chat Slider Handle Replacement: Adjusted for better interaction.
  • Text Chat Display Issue on Vertical Screens: Removed the first level of display for text chat on vertical screens.
  • Text Chat Button and Slider Replacement: Enlarged the close button for vertical screen text chat and replaced the slider image.
  • General Notification URL Issue: After a reload, URLs were being rendered before the notification window.
  • Avatar Tab Clipping: On non-Windows devices, the edges of the My Avatar tab appeared to be clipped.
  • Emote Checkbox Issue: Checkmarks were not appearing next to 'Otagei' and 'Beer' when setting emotes on vertical screens.
  • Emote Action Selection UI Issue: Pressing the emote button while the 'Emote Action Selection' was displayed resulted in only the selection UI being visible.
  • Community Screen Mutual Follow Icon Disappearance: The mutual follow icon disappeared when 'In the same channel' was displayed for a user on the community screen.
  • UI Overlap After Opening Friend Invitation Window: UIs overlapped when pressing 'Return to Start Point' after opening the friend invitation window.
  • Text Clipping in Space Chat on Mobile Devices: When the character count was high, text overflowed from the chat bubbles on mobile devices.
  • Inconsistent UI Button Response on Mobile Devices: UI buttons did not darken when pressed on smartphone devices.
  • Toast Message Disappearance Inconsistency: The manner in which toast messages disappeared differed between vertical and horizontal screens.
  • UI Overlap Between Text and Voice Channels: After opening a text channel on vertical screens, opening a voice channel caused the UIs to overlap.
  • Separation of Text Chat and Action List: Ensured that the text chat and action list did not overlap on vertical screens.
  • Delayed Voice Chat Loading on Vertical Screen HUD: Fixed the omission of delayed loading for voice chat on the vertical screen HUD.
  • Text Overflow in Self-Introduction: Fixed the issue of text overflowing in self-introductions on vertical screens.
  • Unnatural Line Breaks in Channel Creation: Adjusted the line breaks in the description for open channels when creating new channels on vertical screens.
  • Alignment of My Avatar Name: Changed the alignment of the My Avatar name to left-justified.
  • **

Display of Emote Icons on Vertical Screens: Fixed the issue where the 'Otagei' and 'Beer' emote icons were not displayed when the screen was set to vertical. - Visibility of hud_config During Target Focus: Made hud_config visible even during target focus. - Target Focus Cancellation on Button Press: Implemented target focus cancellation when pressing buttons in the side menu. - Cancellation of Target Focus After Kick/Ban/Block: Ensured that target focus is cancelled after performing a kick, ban, or block. - Target Focus Cancellation on Warp: Target focus is now cancelled when warping to the start point. - Focus Cancellation When Player Exits: If CSkywayPlayer cannot be retrieved because the player has exited, focus is cancelled. - Persistent View Change Button During Target Focus on Vertical Screens: Fixed the issue where the view change button did not disappear during target focus on vertical screens. - Camera Orientation Toward World Origin on Dummy Avatar (Instance) Focus: Adjusted the camera to prevent it from orienting toward the world's origin when focusing on a dummy avatar (instance). - Player_GetPos in HeliScript: Ensured that Player_GetPos correctly retrieves coordinates even for instances that have been distance cut. - Omission of Focus Cancellation on Arbitrary Click: Implemented the omission of focus cancellation when clicking at arbitrary locations. - Addition/Omission of Unfocus Button: Added an unfocus button at the top right and omitted the previous button. - Emote List Text Adjustment: Modified the emote list to allow for two lines of emote names. - [script] Item.PlayVideoSyncTime() BaseTime Issue: Fixed a problem where the BaseTime passed to Item.PlayVideoSyncTime() turned into an abnormal value on the JS side. - Friend Invitation Button Persistence: When opening the friend invitation tab from the menu and entering photography mode by tapping the camera button, the friend invitation button remained on the screen. - Misalignment of Profile Icon on Vertical Screen: Adjusted the profile icon on vertical screens to correct a slight misalignment to the right. - Omission of Button Click Color Change: Fixed the issue where the color change on button click was omitted. - Touch Interaction with Buttons: Made adjustments so that touching outside a button and then moving the finger inside and lifting does not trigger the button. - Correction of Notification ID Specification During Guest Login: Fixed an incorrect setting of the notification reception ID during guest login. - Partial Display of Login Window After Camera and Operation Tab Switch: Fixed an issue where only part of the login window was displayed when switching tabs after operating the camera and avatar in the menu. - Disappearance of Emote Button After Opening Menu Window: Fixed the issue where the emote button disappeared after starting camera mode with the menu window open. - Text Remaining in Chat Preview After Enabling Photography Mode: Fixed the issue where text remained in the chat preview after enabling photography mode. - Change of embed.html to share.html: Changed the link copy button for embedding to accommodate the new share.html. - UI Overlap in World Details: Adjusted the Z-value to fix UI overlap when opening world details. - Inconsistency in World Details and Loading Screen: Fixed an issue where the loading screen mentioned "Debug World" but it was not listed in the world details, by adjusting the Z-value of the world details text. - User Scroll Issue in Voice Chat: Fixed an issue where the user scroll in voice chat did not move after scrolling once. - Opening Friend Invitation Similarly to Other Menu Contents: Made adjustments to open the friend invitation window in the same manner as other menu contents, and replaced the Twitter icon with an X icon. - Notification Modal Opening on Name Change in Profile: Fixed a bug where a notification modal opened when changing the name in the profile. - Notification Modal Opening After Pressing Enter Room Button During Guest Login: Adjusted so that a notification modal opens after pressing the enter room button during guest login. - Word Filtering in Profile Updates: If the updated username or self-introduction contained prohibited words, the text was reverted to the previous wording. - Inconsistency in Nameplate Size Across Devices: Fixed an issue where the number of characters that changed the nameplate size varied between devices, affecting the number of characters displayed. - Renaming of ReflectionProveDetectType: Renamed ReflectionProveDetectType to ReflectionProbeDetectType. - Default Value for Node-Level Transparency Animation in HEO: Set the default value for node-level transparency animation to false also in C++ internals. - Emote List Pagination Issue: Fixed an issue where closing and reopening the emote list while paginated displayed a mixture of content from the first and second pages. - Language Inconsistency in Browser: Fixed a bug where the option "Leave posts in space" remained in Japanese even when the browser was set to display in English. - Camera Mode Instruction and Arrow Display Order Issue

: Corrected the display order issue between the camera mode instructions and arrows. - Scrollbar Display Misalignment in Chat Column: Fixed the misalignment of the scrollbar display in the chat column. - Text Clipping in Username Input: Fixed an issue where the 10th character was cut off when entering a username in full-width characters only. - Right Alignment of Vertical Screen Menu: Changed the vertical screen menu to right alignment. - Separation of Photography from Vertical Screen Menu List: Moved photography outside the vertical screen menu list. - Addition of English Images to Text Chat Button: Added English version images to the text chat button. - Change of Vertical Screen Photography Button to English: Changed the vertical screen photography button to switch to English. - Highlighting of Friend Invitation Button on Click: Changed the friend invitation button to highlight when clicked. - Size Adjustment of Toast Messages on Vertical Screen: Enlarged the size of toast messages on the vertical screen and changed the colors of the mouse movement target and avatar profile verification target. - Reloading Issue After Wearing My Avatar: Fixed a build error that occurred when trying to read data/common after reloading following the wearing of My Avatar due to ModelFileName containing AvatarType. - UI Overlap in Camera Mode Preview Frame: Lowered the Z-value to fix the issue where the UI for operation instructions overlapped the preview frame displayed after taking a photo in camera mode. - Player Class Operation Restriction During Notification Modal: Made adjustments in the HeliScript's player class to set operations as impossible when the notification modal is open. - Movement and Jump Issue During Notification Modal: Fixed the issue where movement and jumping were possible even when the notification modal was open. - Toast Display Time Set to 5 Seconds: Changed the display time of common toasts to 5 seconds. - Variation in Emote Icon Visibility Across Devices: Fixed the issue where the appearance of emote icons varied between devices. - Adjustment of Action Palette and Emote List on Vertical Screen: Made adjustments to ensure the action palette and emote list did not overlap the virtual stick and chat preview area on vertical screens. - Button Color Change on Click in HUD: Added button color change on click in the HUD. - UI Implementation Without Image Setting in In-Game Notification Modal: Implemented a UI in the in-game notification modal without setting an image. - Non-functioning SSAO: Fixed an issue where SSAO stopped functioning. - Size Issue of User Icons in Community Vertical Screen: Corrected the oversized user icons in the community vertical screen. - Button Persistence Issue After Starting Camera from Community Display: Fixed an issue where buttons for invitations and joining remained after starting the camera from the community display. - Forced Stopping of Click Movement During Forced Player Location Change: Ensured that click movement processing always stops during forced player location changes, such as "Return to Start Point." - Link Issue in System Message When Invited on Vertical Screen: Fixed the issue where the 'Join' in the system message displayed when invited was not a link. - Immediate Update Issue After Following/Unfollowing Other Users: Fixed the issue where changes did not update immediately after following or unfollowing other users. - Non-functioning Two-Finger Touch Restriction During Virtual Pad Input: Ensured that the two-finger touch restriction does not function during virtual pad input. - Language Inconsistency in Browser Display: Added English text to correct the issue where the option "Do not show this message again" remained in Japanese even when the browser was set to English. - Voice Chat Channel List Display Issue: Fixed an issue where the 6th channel in the voice chat channel list was not displayed. - Adjustment of SpaceList Display Count:** Adjusted the display count in SpaceList.


  • ResetVelocity Function in Player Class: Implemented a function to reset velocity in the player class.
  • TimeSpan Type Addition: Added the TimeSpan type.
  • GetWorldPos/GetWorldRotate for type=scene: Implemented these functions for type=scene.
  • SetShow Functionality for Activity Items: Enabled the SetShow() function to work on items in an activity.