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MyAvatarSettings handles settings for using MyAvatars in world.

Label Initial Value function
Use MyAvatar true Enables/Disables Use of MyAvatars in-world.
NSFW false Restrict the use of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) avatars.
Polygon 50000 Set the upper limit of polygon count for the MyAvatars in this world.
Motion Set the motion to be used by the MyAvatars.


Label Initial Value function
Motion Name Set the motion name.
.hem Set the animation file (.hem) to be played on triggering motion.
loop true Play the motion in a loop.
Use Action false Sets the action to call when the motion starts playing.
In particular, enable this setting and designate the action to be fired via Setting.
By adding a motion without a .hem designated, the motion can be used for purposes such as playing particles on playing motion.
Draw Circle Shadow true Sets to draw a circle shadow on playing motion.
Collision Detection true Sets collision detection on playing motion.

About Motions

The default motions/animations are set and used by the SDK.
By Preparing an animation and replacing, MyAvatar's idle, walk, turnbacks and other motions can be replaced by the animation.
To edit motions for preset avatars in world, edit the Avatar File of the preset avatar.

About Emotion function

If you want to use Emotion function, please use SDK12.3.4 or earlier versions.
Emotion function is no longer available after SDK 13.0.



Set the objects (.heo files, particles, audio) to be attached to the avatar.
To use 3D models as an object, the file must be converted to .heo file.

Label Initial Value function
Name blank Set the name of the object.
Object Type Heo Set the type of object.
Heo: .heo file, Hep: particles, Audio: audio
File blank Set the file to be used as an object.
Position 0,0,0 Set the relative position from the Target.
Rotation 0,0,0 Set the relative rotation from the Target.
Target blank Specifies the bone that serves as the coordinate origin.
The bone name is akin to the VRM Humanoid, name in snakeCase (e.g. head, leftLowerLeg, leftThumbProximal...)