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Version 13.0.0

SDK (Editor extension tool for creating worlds in Unity)

New Features

  • HEOActivity Editing: Added functionality for editing HEOActivity.
  • File Deployment Config: New configuration options for file deployment.
  • VKC Attribute Clickable UI: Added clickable UI attributes within VKC.
  • VKC Node Alpha Animation: Added alpha animation options for VKC nodes.
  • GUITools Package Distribution: Distributed the GUITools package for enhanced GUI editing capabilities.

Modified Features

  • Debug Console Updates:
  • Now throws an error if HEO Fields are overlapping in the hierarchy.
  • Displays a warning if the Mesh setting 'Read/Write Enabled' is not active in FBX files when imported into Unity projects, and automatically sets FBX file R/W to true.
  • Compression Function Speed Improvement: Enhanced the function to compress to powers of two for faster operation.
  • Avatar File Organization:
  • Removed the 'Emotion' field.
  • Removed the 'Height' field (now automatically retrieved from the avatar's VRM by the engine).
  • HEOActivity JSON Selection: Restricted search functionality to JSON files within the Assets folder only.
  • File Icon Asset Updates: Updated the asset for file icons.
  • Component Name Changes: Renamed various components.
  • Name Change from HEOObjectType to VKCNodeReflectionProbeDetectType.
  • Action Trigger Type PopUp Consolidation: Reviewed and consolidated the states of Type PopUp for Action Triggers.
  • Basic Settings:
  • Changed the label from 'World Name' to 'World ID'.
  • Added 'File Deployment Config' settings.
  • Avatar Settings:
  • Made default avatar files (e.g., Vketchan_v1.6_MToon_blendshape.asset, vketnyan) non-editable.
  • Added a new 'File Mode' setting for avatar files (options include VRM/HRM).
  • HEO Collider Updates:
  • Added a new 'Player' option to Collider Target settings.

Deprecated Features

  • Build Options > UI-less Build Acceleration: Removed the feature that sped up builds without UI.
  • My Avatar Setting > Emotion: Removed the Emotion functionality.
  • Avatar File > Emotion: Removed the Emotion functionality from avatar files.

HeliodorLib (Engine used in browser-displayed worlds)

Feature Enhancements and Adjustments

  • (HEOExporter) Enabled the parent object of reflection probes to be properly located even if game objects are not placed at the root.
  • Player Motion Update Now updates motion even outside the camera range for the player’s own avatar.
  • Particle Effects Included in the DrawCall count.
  • Debugger Rendering Added a button to copy settings to the clipboard.
  • "adjustposdownward" Parameter Added to Scene files for type=object items to adjust the shadow position to the collision point below.
  • Loading Issue Mitigated the problem where initial loading pauses at 20%.
  • Expression BlendShape Limits Eased the restriction on the number of BlendShapes.
  • "uselightscattering" Parameter Added to Scene files to enable light scattering per item.
  • Clickable Movement (Available only on PC).
  • Shadow Drawing No longer draws shadows if there is no collider at the foot.
  • Button Interaction Multiplied color display to make it clear when buttons, such as HUDs, are clicked.
  • GUI Image Loading Keeps buttons like HUDs in a non-selectable state until GUI image loading is complete.
  • UVAreaRate Added to Canvas.
  • Clickable UI Can now be configured solely via the scene file.
  • In-game Loading Screen Removed display elements for loading screens (supports full-screen HTML loading).
  • Text Chat Log Window Displays emoticons.
  • Target Focus Allows focusing on the clicked target.
  • "transitiontopage" Action Added to open web pages in the same tab.
  • "showphotomode" Flag Added to Scene files to indicate whether an item should be displayed in photo mode.
  • Additional Motions Added turn-around and counterturn motions.
  • Generic Notification Window
  • Default Value for "avatariconshow" Changed to false in Scene files.
  • "DebugLog" Action Added.
  • HEO MToon Outline Mask Support
  • Pack File Support for Canvas and GUI images.
  • Android Chrome 122 From version 122 onwards, uses WebGL2.0 without breaking the display, even if WebGL2.0 is enabled.
  • Autoplay on First Touch Implemented click handling with autoplay:true in the activity class.
  • Photo Mode Preview Darkens the surroundings and adds a frame to make it clearer that it's a preview.
  • Emote Server Support
  • Emote Popup Draws regardless of the nameplate display flag.
  • Particle Item Unload Process Implemented.
  • Dummy Avatar Index For players using preset avatars, the dummy avatar index is calculated from the preset avatar index.
  • Nameplate Width Adjusted according to the actual font drawing size.
  • "tpsxrotateenable" Setting Added to Scene files to allow X-axis rotation of the TPS camera.

Bug Fixes

  • Camera Type Issues Fixed the bug where switching to TPS mode during type=camera use would reflect the camera position at the player's position.
  • (Script) Fixed bugs where some ItemTypes would not return correct values for GetPos/GetWorldPos/GetRotate/GetWorldRotate.
  • SSAO Texture Format Corrected the issue where RGBA8 instead of R8 texture format was used.
  • SeekBar Z-Value Matched with the Z-value of the layer's mask.
  • Texture Size Fetching Made ApplyUVArea return a failure when texture size cannot be obtained.
  • SeekBar Resize Bug
  • Sound Effect Freezes Freezes if Play() is called after Stop() before completion via onended.
  • Profile Button Over Avatar Target
  • Text Rendering Bugs
  • Blocking Issues Fixed bugs related to blocking not being reflected immediately upon reload.
  • Relative Position in Activity Class for particle effects.
  • Block Display after Reload
  • ShadowMap Issue Fixed the bug where switching avatars would stop displaying the player's shadow.
  • Collider Debug Display Error
  • 9slice Display Issue
  • Two-Finger Button Press Restriction
  • Button Interaction Bug Fixed issue where pressing outside and moving the cursor inside the button would start the press.
  • Button Client Area Click Response
  • Item Load Failure After unloading a type=object item and loading it again, it failed to load.
  • Single Quote Syntax Error Fixed a browser environment issue where single quotes in log outputs would cause JavaScript syntax errors.
  • Occlusion Culling Adjusted OnEnterView/OnLeaveView to exclude/include occluded items appropriately.


  • Avatar Number Retrieval
  • Player.SetControlEnabled (Set permission for player control)
  • Player.SetJumpVelocity (Change jump speed

settings) - CameraRotate Argument in Player.SetPos Now if set to false, the camera does not rotate in TPS mode. - Json and JsVal Conversion - Layer Path Search Implemented hsLayerGetPortrait(), hsLayerGetLandscape(). - Activity Canvas Retrieval with hsLayerGet(). - GUI Methods Added to the Layer class. - Item.ChangeMotion Added default argument for blend time. - Item.LoadMotion - hsCallComponentMethod(), hsCallCanvasComponentMethod() - Item.SetBlendShapeRate - Item.SetPlayTime/GetPlayTime Implemented. Adjusts and retrieves playtime settings for type=object. - Item.Pause/Restart Implemented. Applies to type=object motions.