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VKCSettingWorldCamera specifies the camera's functions.

Label Initial Value function
Smoothing false Set whether or not the smoothing is applied to the camera movement.
Far Offset (y-axis) 0.0 Shift the focus point of TPS camera up and down.
Near Offset 0.0 Shift the focus point of TPS camera up and down.
Photo Radius 20.0 Set the radius of movable range for the photo mode camera.
Raycast Max Distance 50.0 Set the maximum raycast distance from the click detection camera in meter.
TPS Pitch Max Angle 6.0 Set the maximum pitch angle for the TPS camera.
If the player sets the "Eye-level" on the in-world settings to "High", this value will be applied.
If set to "Medium", the halved value will be applied.
TPS Camera Max Distance 10.0 Set the TPS Camera's maximum zoom-out distance.
Enable X Rotation true When set to false, the rotation of the camera on th X-axis is restricted, preventing the ability to look up or down.
Default TPS Camera TPS Center Set the offset for the TPS camera. center: right behind (default) right: Over the right shoulder(Typical TPS Camera-style)left: Over the left shoulder