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VKC Attribute Click Guide


By selecting ON, this component generates gameobjects for showing a click guide within the designated range.
Selecting OFF will delete the generated gameobjects.


When activating VKC Attribute Click Guide, the [objectname_clickArea] gameobject (henceforth referred as clickArea) will be generated as a child object.
Also, [objectname_clickArea] (henceforth referred as clickguide) will be generated outside the World object.


The clickArea gameobject controls the show/hide state of the clickguide gameobject, using the VKC Item Area Collider and Show/HideItem.


In the initial state, clickArea is the same size as the default cube.
Like the image below, resizing the clickArea to designate the zone for click guide appearance is highly recommended.


By modifying clickArea using Enable/DisableClickableNode, the clickable state of the original object can be toggled.


For example, a clickable webpage gimmick syncronized with the click guide can be implemented.
This gimmick uses OpenWeb and a Clickable VKC Node Collider set to the original object.


The clickguide object contains a VKC Item Plane component to show the click guide image.
In the initial state, the Billboard and Show is disabled, therefore enabling them are highly recommended.


The appearance of the click guide after build is as below.

The click guide appearing when the player is inside the clickArea:


The click guide disappearing when the player is outside the clickArea:
