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Class definition

After the reserved word class, define a block that specifies the class name.

class class_name {


If you define a public method with the same name as the class name inside the block, it becomes a constructor. This is called only once when the class object is created.

Below is a minimal sample code.

class Test {
     public Test()

member variables

class Test {
     float Data;

method definition

class Test {
     float Data;

     public void Foo()
         Data = 0.0f;

access specifier

By specifying public before a member or method declaration, this member will become accessible from outside the class.

If you specify private, the member cannot be accessed from the outside. If the access specifier is omitted, the behavior is the same as the private specification.

Object Instantiation

To instantiate a new class object, use the new operator.

class Test {

Test obj;
obj = new Test();

Object Deletion

To delete an object, assign a null value. Objects will be deleted when nothing is referring to the object.

Test obj;
obj = new Test();

obj = null;

Detecting Objects

To detect the existence of an object, use === or !== operator.

if (obj !== null) {
 // Exists

if (obj === null) {
 // Does not exist