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Enable/Disable Node


Enable/Disable Node is an action handling the target node's show/hide, enable/disable collider, and enable/disable click ability.

Using this action will set the node's parameters as Show/HideNode, EnableDisableCollider, and EnableDisableClickableNode at once. If explicit toggle of each parameter is needed, the mentioned actions should be used.

Name Parameter Default Value Function
Enablenode Target(Node) None Selects the target node placed under an HEOField object.
Show false If enabled, show the target node's mesh.
Enable Collider false If set to true, enable the target node's collider.
Enable Clickable Node false If set to true, enable the target node's clickable colllider.
Disablenode Target(Node) None Selects the target node placed under an HEOField object.
Hide false If enabled, hide the target node's mesh.
Disable Collider false If set to true, disable the target node's collider.
Disable Clickable Node false If set to true, disable the target node's clickable colllider.