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JsVal is a HeliScript type used to operate external API connections via Broker API, which is a feature of Vket Cloud.
This type is defined by the following values, functions, and classes.

Predefined Constant Values

const int JS_NULL = 0; // null 
const int JS_OBJ = 1; // JS Object
const int JS_ARRAY = 2; // Array
const int JS_NUM = 3; // Number
const int JS_BOOL = 4; // Boolean
const int JS_STR = 5; // String

Constant values defined to correspond with JS types.

Functions generating JsVal


JsVal makeJsNull();

Returns a JsVal instance expressing null.


JsVal makeJsVal(int type);

Returns a JsVal instance expressing the type designated by the integer argument.

(To see which type is available, see the defined constant values such as JS_OBJ on above)


JsVal makeJsObj();

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS object.

The object is empty ( { } ) on generation.


JsVal makeJsArray();

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS Array.

The array is empty on instantiation.


JsVal makeJsArrayFrom(list<JsProp> newList);

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS Array, which is initialized by the JsProp list in argument.


JsVal makeJsNum();

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS Number. The initial value is 0.


JsVal makeJsNumFrom(int value);

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS Number, which is initialized by the integer value in argument.


JsVal makeJsBool();

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS Boolean. The initial value is false.


JsVal makeJsBoolFrom(bool value);

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS Boolean, which is initialized by the bool value in argument.


JsVal makeJsStr();

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS String. The initial value is an empty string.


JsVal makeJsStrFrom(string value);

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS String, which is initialized by the string value in argument.


JsProp makeJsProp(string name);

Returns a JsVal instance expressing a JS Property (set of name and value).

This function only defines the name/key on initialization, which its value is undefined on instantiation.


JsProp makeJsArrayElem();

Returns an array element.


JsProp makeJsArrayElemFrom(JsVal newVal);

Returns an array element, which can be initialized by a JsVal.

JsVal Class

JsVal is defined for handling JavaScript types on HeliScript.

JsVal type variables can be used as a return value / argument on extern functions for JavaScript bridging. The variables can also be used for return value / argument on JavaScript callback functions.

JsVal type can contain diverse type values after its initialization. The property can be dynamically added/deleted as like a JavaScript object.


public JsVal();

Instantiates an empty JsVal.

On instantiation, the variable is equivalent as null on JS. The type and value can be defined after its instantiation.


public void Clear();

Deletes information on the JsVal instance and sets the type information to JS_NULL.


public int GetType()

Returns the current type of the JsVal instance.


public JsVal SetType(int type)

Sets a new type on the JsVal instance. After setting, the instance itself will be the return value.

Please refer to Predefined Constant Values for available types.

If the argument type is same as the current type, no process will be made.

On changing the instance type, its content will be reset as like the Clear() function.


public bool IsNull();

Returns a true value if the JsVal instance is a null value.


public void SetNull();

Set the JsVal instance to null.

This operates in same manner as SetType(JS_NULL).


public bool HasPropertyType();

Returns a true value if the current type is able to hold a property.

In specific, this will return a true value when the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.


public void SetNum(float val);

Set the designated float value to the JSVal instance, and change the type to JS_NUM.


public float GetNum();

Returns the instance's number value if the instance type is JS_NUM.

If the JsVal instance type is JS_BOOL, either false=0 or true=1 will be returned.

If instance type is neither of the above, the return value is undefined.


public void SetBool(bool val);

Set the designated bool value to the JSVal instance, and change the type to JS_BOOL.


public bool GetBool();

Returns the instance's boolean value if the instance type is JS_BOOL.

If the JsVal instance type is JS_NUM, the return value is false on 0, true on any other number value.

If instance type is neither of the above, the return value is undefined.


public void SetStr(string val);

Set the designated string value to the JSVal instance, and change the type to JS_STR.


public string GetStr();

Returns the instance's string value if the JsVal instance type is JS_STR.

If JsVal instance type is not JS_STR, the return value is undefined.


public JsVal GetProperty(string name);

Returns the instance's property value designated by the string name, if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ.

Is the value does not exist, null will be returned.


public list<JsProp> GetPropertyList();

Returns the object's property in a list if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.

If property does not exist, an empty list will be returned.


public bool SetPropertyList(list<JsProp> propList);

Set the object's property by the designated propList, if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.

If function is completed, true will be returned.


public int GetPropertyCount();

Returns the object's property count, if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.


public bool FindProperty(string name, ref JsProp found, ref int index);

If the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY, this function will search the object's property by the given name, and sets the found property as JsProp to the designated found. The property's index will be set to the given index as well.

If the property is found, true will be returned.


public JsVal AddElement();

If the JsVal instance type is JS_ARRAY, an empty element (JsVal which type is JS_NULL) will be added, which the added JsVal will be the return value.

If addition fails, null will be returned.


public bool AddElementByVal(JsVal newVal);

If the JsVal instance type is JS_ARRAY, the designated JsVal element will be added to the end of the array.

On addition success, true will be returned.


public JsVal AddProperty(string name);

If the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ, a new property will be defined by the given name, and added to the end of the property list. The new JsVal property's initial value is JS_NULL.

On addition success, the added JsVal will be returned.


public bool AddPropertyByVal(string name, JsVal newVal);

If the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ, a new property will be defined by the given name and newVal, and added to the end of the property list.

On addition success, true will be returned.


public bool HasProperty(string name);

If the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ, a property will be searched by the given name, and return true if the property exists.


public JsVal At(int index);

Returns the property located by the given index, if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.


public bool SetAt(int index, JsVal newVal);

Set the property's value to the given newVal which located by the given index, if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.

On setting success, true will be returned.


public bool RemoveAt(int index);

Delete the property located by the given index, if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.

On deletion success, true will be returned.


public JsProp AtProperty(int index);

Returns the JsVal's property located by the given index as a JsProp (name, value), if the JsVal instance type is JS_OBJ or JS_ARRAY.

On obtain failure, null will be returned.

JsProp Class

The class for expressing a JavaScript property.

This class handles a name and its value as a pair.


public void SetName(string name);

Set a name which is the property's key.


public string GetName();

Get a name which is the property's key.


public void SetValue(JsVal value);

Set a property's value.


public JsVal GetValue();

Get a property's value.