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Item Types and HEOComponents


On Vket Cloud, each non-Player objects on the world are defined as Items.
While the HeliScript language has various Item-class functions to control objects, compatibility of such functions differs among each Item types.

Here, an overview and chart of each Items and HeliScript functions will be described.

Item types

On Vket Cloud, there are a wide variety of Items depending by function and specification.

Each item is described by attaching a corresponding HEO component to a Unity object. If a HeliScript function shows an unintentional behavior, consider checking the Item type of the allocated object.

Also, if the game object in Unity Scenes matches the SDK build conditions, it will be included in build even if it's placed directly on the Scene or an empty object. (e.g. If an item is placed under the object with HEOField attached, it will be exported as a separate Item!)

Each Item type are described on the chart below. To avoid implementation mistakes regarding Item types, a brief explanation is added in function.

Item type / HEOComponent function
field / HEOField The fundamental Item to place world objects
・Exports all objects placed under HEOField as a single HEO file on build.
・All game objects under HEOField are described as Nodes, and all Nodes are not nested (i.e. directly a child of the field Item)
・Subject to Node functions and Material functions
・If another HEOField object is a child of HEOField object, the child will be exported as a separate Item. However, as the child objects under the child HEOField will be a Node of the parent HEOObject, avoid placing a nested HEOField object.
・As Nodes will be identified by name, avoid naming objects by same name.
object / HEOObject The Item for placing objects that may move in world
Able to place glTF/VRM/HRM models in world
・Subject to move functions
・Can play HEM animations
plane / HEOPlane The Item for displaying an allocated texture
・Can designate variants for Japanese and English
・Able to display billboards and double sided textures
textplane / HEOTextPlane The Item for displaying a designated text
・Used for texts that may dynamically change
・Subject to TextPlane functions
bgm/se / HEOAudio The Item for playing BGM or sound effects
・Subject to Play/Stop/IsPlay functions
・The two audio types operate the same way, volume can be controlled in world by changing value in the corresponding audio category
particle / HEOParticle The Item for playing particles
・Subject to Play/Stop/IsPlay functions
spot / HEOSpot The Item for setting an initial spawn position depending on URL query
・By placing an object named Spot0, Spot1..., the spawn position can be changed by adding a query such as &spaceindex=1
areacollider / HEOAreacollider The Item for implementing gimmicks which are fired by enter/exit a certain area
Expected to be placed under a Field Item on Unity
・Able to designate Actions which are fired on enter / on exiting a collider
bgtexture / HEOBackgroundTexture The Item for designating a texture as scene background
・Always rendered first
・Allocated texture must be formatted in a 1 : 1 ratio
activity / HEOActivity The Item for placing Activities
・According to the activity JSON file, gimmicks and models can be placed without further implementation
camera / HEOCamera The Item for switching the ordinary camera to camera for event/movie
・Camera switching can be designated by running a function in HeliScript *Available on SDK 5.0 and later versions

For details on each function and applicable HEOComponents, please refer to the page below: