HSRaycastHIT Class
Class to receive Raycast results.
Class Definition
class HSRaycastHIT
public Item Item;
public float Distance;
public Vector3 Pos;
public Vector3 Normal;
Example Usage
HSRaycastHIT hit = hsItemRaycast( Origin, Direction, length );
if( hit !== null ) {
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Name[%s]\n" % hit.Item.GetName() );
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Distance[%.2f]\n" % hit.Distance );
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Pos.x[%.2f]\n" % hit.Pos.x );
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Pos.y[%.2f]\n" % hit.Pos.y );
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Pos.z[%.2f]\n" % hit.Pos.z );
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Normal.x[%.2f]\n" % hit.Normal.x );
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Normal.y[%.2f]\n" % hit.Normal.y );
hsSystemOutput("*** hit.Normal.z[%.2f]\n" % hit.Normal.z );
hsRaycastItem() の戻り値として使う。対象がなければ hit に null が入る。
Member Variables
public Item Item
Item object that the ray hit.
public float Distance
Distance from Pos where the ray hit.
public Vector3 Pos
Position where the ray hit.
public Vector3 Normal
Normal of the face the ray hit.