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VKC Rendering Settings


RenderingSettings handles the rendering settings of the world.

Label Initial Value function
PBR true Enables PBR lighting.
Background Color #000000
Directional Light blank Set a Directional Light placed in the scene as the directional light for this world.
Light Intensity 1 Set the world light's intensity.
Lightmap Intensity 1 Set the light map's intensity.
Fade In Time 2 Set the white fade-in length on world enter in seconds.
Shadow Type Round Set the Shadow Type. round is a round shadow, and normalshadowmap is a normal shadow map.
normalshadowmap is used with VKC Node Shadow.
Shadow Bias 0.001 Set the bias value on drawing shadows.
Shadow Area Size 3 Set the distance for drawing shadow in meter.
Shadow Fade Size 1 Set the fadeout size growing from the shadow's periphery in meter.
Projection Near 0.1 Change the near clipping distance.
Projection Far 500 Change the far clipping distance.
Projection Degree 70 Change the FoV angle. (default value recommended)
Bloom false Enable/disable bloom.
Light Scattering false Enable/disable light scattering.
IBL false Enable/disable IBL, or Image-Based Lighting.
SSAO false Enable/disable SSAO (screen-space ambient occlusion).
Tone Map false Enable/disable tone map.
Priority List Set the render priority for world objects.
Items with smaller values will be drawn first, and items with the same value will be drawn at the same time.



Label Initial Value function
Bloom false Enable/disable bloom.
Bloom Intensity 0.2 Set the strength of the bloom.
Bloom Threshold 0.8 Set the lower limit of brightness at which the bloom takes effect.

Light Scattering


Label Initial Value function
Light Scattering false Enable/disable light scattering.
Scattering Intensity 0.8 Set the strength of atmospheric scattering.
Scattering Directivity 0.68 Set the directivity, the degree of concentration of the scattered light.
G 0 Set the parameter to adjust the strength of IBL, or Image-Based Lighting.
Distance 150 Set the distance at which the light scattering starts.
LightColor #FFFFFF Set the color of the light.
SunColor #D9D9FF Set the color of the sunlight.



Label Initial Value function
IBL false Enable/disable IBL, or Image-Based Lighting.
DiffuseSize 512 Set the size of the diffuse map texture.
SpecularSize 512 Set the size of the specular map texture.
SpecularMipMapCount 6 Set the amount of mip maps used for the specular cube map.
Diffuse Map Designate the image files for the Diffuse Map.
Specular Map Designate the image files for the Specular Map.
The amount of mip maps to set is designated according to SpecularMipMapCount.



Label Initial Value Value Range function
SSAO false Enable/disable SSAO (screen-space ambient occlusion).
Radius 0.7 0.1 ~ 1.0 Set range of AO. For precise AO rendering, we recommend to set value within 0.5~0.8.
Self Shadow Counter 0.2 0.1 ~ 1.0 Prevents self-shadow counting on planes intended to be without AO.
For precise AO rendering, we recommend to set value within 0.1~0.2.
Attenuation 3 0.0 ~ 3.0 Prevents AO drawing on distance places behind pillars, floating boards, etc.
Minimum Depth 0.02 0.0 ~ 0.1 Adjust occlusion threshold.
Lowering this value may improve AO quality when AO intensity affects open spaces to be dark. (Intended to be left unedited unless needed)
Color Bleed 0.2 0.0 ~ 0.4 Creates a pseudo effect of color bleeding on AO which is caused by light bouncing.
This feature is disabled when value is set to 0.0, or HSP is set to false.
AO Ratio 3 0.25 ~ 5.0 Set the AO intensity (concentration).
HSP true If enabled, background color will be blended on the AO black. This will prevent lighter spots from being too dark.
Recommended to be set to true.
Fake Bloom false Designates whether to use the blur sample data for a pseudo-bloom effect.
Effect intensity is determined by Colbleed value.


Not available in Stable SDK 14.4.12

This feature has been rolled back in Stable SDK 14.4.12 and is therefore not available. Please use SDK 14.2.1 or a version newer than 14.4.12 if available.


Label Initial Value function
Peak Luminance 1 The maximum brightness value of the monitor. 1.0 corresponds to 100 nits.
Contrast 1 The contrast level.
Linear Start 0.22 The starting position of the linear portion of the tone curve.
Linear Length 0.4 The length of the linear portion of the tone curve.
Black Tightness 1.3 The tightness value for dark areas. Increasing this value makes dark area deeper and more pronounced.
Black Lower Limit 0 The lower limit for dark areas. Increasing this value lightens the dark area.