VKC Setting Avatar
AvatarSettings handles the avatar settings in world.
Label | Initial Value | function |
Avatar icon show | false | Displays an icon next to the name. Preset avatars come with their own icons. If you're using a custom avatar, your account icon will be displayed. |
Dummy Avatar | dummy_human_02 | Specify the Dummy Avatar that will be rendered instead of normal avatars, when the avatar is in a distant location or the rendering limit has been reached. |
Avatar Files | Vketchan_v1.6_Mtoon_blendshape, Vketchan2_v1.6_Mtoon_blendshape, Vketnyan_Mtoon_blendshape, LesserMokuri_blendshape |
Designate Preset Avatars which can be used in world. To allocate a new preset avatar, an avatar file handling all the information is required. Vket Cloud SDK provides 4 preset avatars: Vketchan 01, Vketchan 02, Vket-Nyan, andLESSER MOKURI. |
CreateAvatarFile | Generate a new avatar file. |
If Avatar Files
is empty or has no contents, it may lead to build errors or no avatars displayed on default. Please allocate at least one avatarfile to prevent this error.