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VKC Setting Avatar


AvatarSettings handles the avatar settings in world.

Label Initial Value function
Avatar icon show false Displays an icon next to the name.
Preset avatars come with their own icons. If you're using a custom avatar, your account icon will be displayed.
Dummy Avatar dummy_human_02 Specify the Dummy Avatar that will be rendered instead of normal avatars, when the avatar is in a distant location or the rendering limit has been reached.
Avatar Files Vketchan_v1.6_Mtoon_blendshape,
Designate Preset Avatars which can be used in world.
To allocate a new preset avatar, an avatar file handling all the information is required.
Vket Cloud SDK provides 4 preset avatars: Vketchan 01, Vketchan 02, Vket-Nyan, andLESSER MOKURI.
CreateAvatarFile Generate a new avatar file.


If Avatar Files is empty or has no contents, it may lead to build errors or no avatars displayed on default. Please allocate at least one avatarfile to prevent this error.