Shader Availability
On Vket Cloud SDK, shaders below can be used with partial exceptions in each shaders' settings.

Settings |
Category |
Availability in SDK |
Rendering Mode |
Rendering Mode |
○ |
Main Maps |
Albedo |
○ |
Metallic |
○ |
Normal Map |
○ |
Height Map |
X |
Occlusion |
X |
Detail Mask |
X |
Emission |
○ |
Tiling |
○ |
Offset |
○ |
Secondary Maps |
Detail Albedo x2 |
X |
Normal Map |
X |
Tiling |
X |
Offset |
X |
UV Set |
X |
Forward Rendering Options |
Specular Highlights |
X |
Reflections |
X |
Advanced Options |
Render Queue |
X |
Enable GPU Instancing |
X |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
X |
Autodesk Interactive

Settings |
Category |
Availability in SDK |
Rendering Mode |
Rendering Mode |
○ |
Main Maps |
Albedo |
○ |
Albedo Texture |
○ |
Metallic |
○ |
Metallic Texture |
X |
Roughness |
○ |
Roughness Texture |
○ |
Normal Map |
○ |
Normal Map Texture |
○ |
Height Map |
X |
Height Map Texture |
X |
Occlusion |
X |
Occlusion Texture |
X |
Detail Mask |
X |
Detail Mask Texture |
X |
Emission |
○ |
Emission Texture |
○ |
Tiling |
X |
Offset |
X |
Secondary Maps |
Detail Albedo x2 |
X |
Normal Map |
X |
Tiling |
X |
Offset |
X |
UV Set |
X |
Forward Rendering Options |
Specular Highlights |
X |
Reflections |
X |
Advanced Options |
Enable GPU Instancing |
X |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
X |

Settings |
Category |
Subcategory |
Availability in SDK |
Rendering |
Mode |
Rendering Type |
○ |
Cull Mode |
○ |
Color |
Texture |
Lit Color, Alpha |
○ |
Shade Color |
○ |
Lighting |
Lighting |
Shading Toony |
○ |
Normal Map |
○ |
Advanced Option |
Shading Shift |
○ |
Shadow Receive Multiplier |
X |
Lit & Shade Mixing Multiplier |
X |
Light Color Attenuation |
X |
GI Intensity |
X |
Emission |
Emission |
Emission |
○ |
MatCap |
○ |
Rim |
Rim |
Color |
○ |
Lighting Mix |
○ |
Fresnel Power |
○ |
Lift |
○ |
Outline |
Width |
Mode |
○ |
Color |
○ |
UVCoordinates |
Scale & Offset |
Tiling |
X |
Offset |
X |
Auto Animation |
Auto Animation |
Mask |
X |
Scroll X (per second) |
○ |
Scroll Y (per second) |
○ |
Options |
Debugging Options |
Visualize |
X |
Advanced Options |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
X |
Render Queue |
X |

Settings |
Category |
Availability in SDK |
Texture |
Texture |
○ |
Tiling |
○ |
Offset |
○ |
Use LightScattering |
Use LightScattering |
○ |
Render Queue |
RenderQueue |
○ |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
○ |
UnlitWFの共通設定 | whiteflare's vpm-repos *Page in Japanese
VketChanDoubleSided Shaders contained in the Vket Cloud SDK

Settings |
Category |
Availability in SDK |
Texture |
Texture |
○ |
Tiling |
○ |
Offset |
○ |
Render Queue |
RenderQueue |
○ |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
○ |

Settings |
Category |
Availability in SDK |
Texture |
Texture |
○ |
Tiling |
○ |
Offset |
○ |
Alpha cutoff |
Alpha cutoff |
○ |
Render Queue |
RenderQueue |
○ |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
○ |

Settings |
Category |
Availability in SDK |
Texture |
Texture |
○ |
Tiling |
○ |
Offset |
○ |
Render Queue |
RenderQueue |
○ |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
Double Sided Global Illumination |
○ |