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Resolving the Issue of Slow Initial Sound Effect Playback

This guide addresses the issue where the initial sound effect playback takes time after clearing the cache when using HeliScript.


SDK Version: 13.7.7
OS: Windows 10
Unity: 2019.4.31.f1 or 2022.3.6f1
Browser: Chrome


1. Load Items in the Constructor

public QuizManager() // Constructor
void PreloadSEs()
    // Preloading resolves the issue of slow initial sound effect playback
    Item correctSE1 = hsItemGet("CorrectSE_1");
    Item incorrectSE1 = hsItemGet("IncorrectSE_1");

Additional Insights

  • If Play() and Stop() are triggered within the same frame, the audio will be loaded, but the item will no longer be playable afterward. This is not recommended.

  • Even if AutoLoading is set to true in the scene file, it appears that the sound is not loaded during the loading screen.

  • Items using the same audio file will be played from the cache, so loading just one of them is sufficient.