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"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." Error Displayed During Build


When an object with a mesh that does not use UV2 is attached to a Mesh and uses a Mesh Renderer, an error occurs during the build, and the following error is displayed in the console.

Error Image


SDK Version: 4.1.1 OS: Windows 10 Unity: 2019.4.31.f1 Browser: Google Chrome

Attempts to Resolve

Comparison of settings between objects that build successfully and those that cause errors. Since the error was unfamiliar, I compared the settings of the mesh object with those of an object that built successfully.

Object that built successfully Object that caused the error
Object that built successfully Object that caused the error

Upon comparison, I noticed the absence of UV2. The cause of the error was attempting to use a Mesh Renderer without UV2.


Attempting to handle a mesh without UV2 using a Mesh Renderer results in a build error.

Request the modeling team to recreate the mesh to include UV2, use a Skinned Mesh Renderer, or apply the texture to another object.

Additional Insights

Even meshes without UV2 can pass the build and be reflected in VketCloud by using a Skinned Mesh Renderer.


Objects using Skinned Mesh Renderer cannot be animated with hem animation. Therefore, if you want to create objects that move with animation, address this by recreating the mesh.